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Check out the footage that didn't make it into this season's Off Days series. Get the latest NHL clothing and exclusive gear at hockey fan's favorite shop.

Stats Logan Couture reviews John Grisham's "The Reckoning" in this edition of his book club. San Jose Sharks kids gear is at the Official Online Store of the NHL.

NHL All-Star logo and NHL All-Star Skills Competition name and logo are trademarks of the National Hockey League. All Rights Reserved. While the Sharks go on the road, captain Logan Couture brings us along to show the fans what he does on his off days. © Fanatics, 2019. Logan Couture has been spending a lot of time reading and wanted to share four books on his reading summer list. Tickets

Learn the story of the daughter of two Sharks employees who was diagnosed with leukemia In this episode of The Deep presented by Poly. All Rights Reserved. Go behind the scenes as Tomas Hertl takes full advantage at his first All-Star Game in this episode of the Deep presented by Poly. Not every day is a game day, so let's take a look at what Patrick Marleau does on his off days. Challenge your kid's mind with puzzling worksheets, while keeping active with hockey workouts. Sharks shirts and hoodies also make great additions to your game-day wardrobe so you can show up to the the game in casual style. Community Read Logan Couture's 2nd book review on Blake Crouch's alternate reality novel "Dark Matter" Take a behind-the-scenes look as the San Jose Sharks make Selena's wish come true in this episode of The Deep presented by Poly. Shop Challenge your kid's mind with puzzling worksheets, while keeping active with hockey workouts. Sharks Store at SAP Center San Jose Sharks fans can find all the best Sharks apparel at Suites & Hospitality