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Scarlett tries to help Sean but he questions her motivations. Maddie is the subject of a song by Jonah's ex. Maddie gets caught up in Eddie's fast lifestyle.

Alannah confronts Brad. Juliette dives head first into the self-improvement movement. Black Lightning

Track Nashville (2012) season 6 episodes. Daphne and Jake bound over their mutual dislike of their parents dating.

Scarlett volunteers at a horse therapy ranch. The new addition to the boys' band is a hit. As Brad's country music singing competition begins, he and a singing coach instantly recognize Daphne as a star in the making; Avery's relationship with Alannah deepens. The season consisted of 22 episodes that were aired in two parts of eleven episodes each, with Britton appearing in the first part only. a list of 93 titles She demands to leave, but they will not let her. Deacon and the girls grow worried when Gideon starts leaving the house. Gunnar, Will and Avery wanted a female vocalist for the group.

Will contemplates his future during a hospital stay. TVGuide has every full episode so you can stay-up-to-date and watch your favorite show Nashville anytime, anywhere. Darius helps Juliette remember a dark secret. Scarlett gets interested in a veteran undergoing equine therapy. Avery is harassed by the the media about Juliette's South American stay. Daphne and Jake perform at school. Nashville is an American musical drama television series.
a list of 75 titles Brad receives a restraining order against Deacon. Scarlett invites Sean to see live music. Prime Video Remember: Abuse of the TV.com image system may result in you being banned from uploading images or from the entire site – so, play nice and respect the rules! Scarlett gets reminded of how her music touches her fans. Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams

Daphne continues to struggle with Deacon's relationship with Jesse. a list of 50 titles Maddie and Jonas record a song but Maddie finds Jonas's life too public. Scarlett gets reminded of how her music touches her fans. Juliette introduces Avery to Darius. The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story Gunnar backslides into bad habits.

As with seasons three and f The CW Deacon and Jesse finally go on a date. The Four: Battle for Stardom Do not upload anything which you do not own or are fully licensed to upload. Scarlett and Sean organize a ranch benefit. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Meanwhile, she and Bucky struggle to find the perfect director for the music video that will launch the Exes' new single. Juliette makes a crucial decision. FOX It was created by Academy Award winner Callie Khouri and produced by R.J. Cutler, Khouri, Dee Johnson, Steve Buchanan and Connie Britton.The series stars Connie Britton as Rayna Jaymes, a legendary country music superstar whose stardom is beginning to fade, and Hayden Panettiere as rising star Juliette Barnes. Avery, Gunnar, and Will discuss their future. Season 6 guide for Nashville (2012) TV series - see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary.

Daphne preps for the final round. Alannah's stage presence grows, creating a division in the band.

Brad's behavior is not limited to Alannah. Juliette confronts Darius.