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Die Angriffseinheit wird von der dritten Division gerettetAls neue Gegner den Weg der Angriffseinheit kreuzen, wollen sie sich erst einmal zurückziehen, da sie geschwächt sind. This awareness spans beyond the trials of duty, as Sai was later quick to understand the nature of Naruto's inner suffering without Naruto even telling him. After finally getting approval from the five daimyō, Naruto and an escort moved out to deal with the danger in Iwagakure, leaving Shikamaru in-charge during the Hokage's absence.
Some time later, Sai was officially made the sensei and squad captain to In the anime, Inojin approached his parents with a desire to master the Mind Body Switch Technique, believing he needed to become stronger.

Team Kakashi raced through the base to find and stop Sai, but Sai had already found Sasuke. While there, Sai, Yamato and Sakura fought the Tsuchigumo clan villagers who were under The ink clone helped Kakashi locate Sakura.

As the next Chūnin Exams drew nearer, Sai continued to watch over Sumire's development. They were described as looking blissfully happy as their friends teased them on the progress of their relationship. Sai nimmt daraufhin ihre Hand und sagt, dass sich dies die Leute wohl auch bei ihnen fragen.Die Schriften des Sha, Kapitel "Die Entstehung", Seite 344So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. This causes him to break out of his emotionless shell and start to remember the times he had with his own "brother", He later appeared to show genuine anger while explaining to Sakura about Naruto's feelings for her and later when she lied to Naruto about the predicament with Sasuke and trying to use a fake confession to get him to give up on Sasuke. Later, a strange release of chakra began spreading throughout the village. This bond with Naruto led Sai to start to understand camaraderie, and by the Sai is shown to care greatly for his family, as he has begun training his son in his artistic-ninjutsu, finding humour in Inojin's cruder drawing.

Sai, however, truly had a change of heart, and instead, tried to capture Sasuke in order to protect his bond with Naruto. Shikamaru and Chōji decide to visit Ino at the hospital and find that Sai is watching over her whilst she sleeps as he sketches a flower that Ino's mother brought her. He would later tell Sakura that since he didn't know Sasuke much he could observe him without friendly feelings involved and that he couldn't trust him.

Sai embraced Ino with a hug and they complimented Inojin for having mastered the technique before walking back to home together. Sai, still sympathising with Sumire's history with Root, offered to help her forge a new brighter path. Es werden Spoiler-Informationen angezeigt! Sai then affectionately comforts her by telling her that he has faith Inojin will succeed because he is their son, causing Ino to become flustered.

Sai is a playable character in the following video games: Ino is the only child of Inoichi Yamanaka and was a popular student during her time in the Academy. Due to this training and his lack of social experience and personal initiative, Sai has great trouble in understanding how bon… Ultimately, the Fabrications were defeated by the combined effort of Konohamaru's students and Ōnoki, who passed away from the effort.

After much mental conditioning and training while in Root, Sai had suppressed almost all of his emotions, laying all of his loyalty to whoever commands him, and thus making it easier for him to accomplish dangerous, unpleasant, or unethical missions. Ino defended Sakura from the bullies and encouraged her to embrace her forehead rather than hide it, becoming good friends with her.

Sai starts questioning the captive, but when the man begins to respond a Sai follows Kido's movements between his different hideouts for three days, but he has no way of getting inside any of them without revealing his presence.

Sai also has developed strong parenting skills, being the one who's reprimanding Naruto for not holding back enough when he tried to counter Boruto's shadow clone with his own. A decade after the Fourth Shinobi World War, his jacket now covers his entire upper body, with both sleeves long. Sai tells Ino that he loves art as it brings him closer to people and he believes Inojin needs to rediscover his own passion for art. In their home, at the end of Parent and Child Day Sai rests in Ino's lap as she affectionately comforts him. He pays a lot of attention to detail, allowing him to quickly notice if something is not as it appears, as shown from how he easily sees through Yamato's tricks.

Sakura convinced While there, he and Yamato soon battled Deidara and a snake clone of Hidan. Once arrived at Orochimaru's hideout, Sai was introduced to Sasuke, who had been training under Orochimaru for the past two-and-a-half years. Sai, however, doubted their success, stating that Sasuke no longer cared about them. Das heißt, Fandom verdient eine Provision, wenn ihr über einen dieser Links etwas kauft. As the battle between the two divisions got under-way, Shin was sent in to battle Kankurō's Sasori puppet.

Naruto's dedication to retrieving Sasuke struck a chord with Sai, who was left without words as a result. Er versucht zu verstehen, was Freundschaft für Naruto bedeutet und die Emotionen der anderen richtig zu deuten. He also has a large scroll strapped horizontally to his back and his shinobi sandals reach above his calves. Characters are ne... Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of Love, Riding Upon a Spring Breeze Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Euch entstehen dadurch keine zusätzlichen Kosten.Dabei träumt er davon, wahrhaft lächeln zu können und dies allen zu zeigen.Dabei fragt sich Ino, seit wann Shikamaru und Temari denn zusammen seien, da sie Händchen halten.

Having learned of their friends danger, they were determined to help and requested to join the Hokage. They were also accompanied by Shikamaru, Lee, and their respective sons.