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Rating: 2 stars Rating: 5 stars

percent of calories from fat: 18% 1.7mg Wonderful side dish - I served this with roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for a big complete meal. Add cream, butter, salt and pepper to peas, and process until blended, … Calories “I love the combination of ham and peas. Kate Mushy Peas. 6 of 9 ¼ cup heavy cream The next day, drain the peas, add water just to cover, and simmer for 20 mintues.

However you got this girl to eat peas so consider this recipe a success!

My fiancee on the other hand LOVES peas so I try to come up with different ways to cook them so that we both like them and I've finally done it with this recipe.

Cover and allow to rehydrate in the fridge overnight. Use low fat milk if you're calorie-conscious. Minty Mushy Peas. 567 Metric Cups. 1 handful fresh mint, leaves only, no stem. Best peas ever.

TIP: For authentic mushy peas as served in English/Irish pubs, you never start with canned or frozen peas. Sugars Step 2 MOLLE888 Drain. Loved both versions!

Rating: 5 stars Prepare peas as per packet directions and fully drain. - I visited there a couple of times over the years and if ever I asked for mushy peas in a chippy they looked at me like I had two heads (and if they've have offered them me with chopped onions I'd have looked looked at them in the same manner!!) Carbs
Drain peas, and transfer to a blender or large food processor. 2 of 9 Put the split green peas in a large pot with the baking soda and enough water to cover the peas four times over.

@Andyblackpool - thanks for the comment and sorry for the delayed response.

MOLLE888 Servings: Will probably make again. If you are following a medically restrictive diet, please consult your doctor or registered dietitian before preparing this recipe for personal consumption. The texture was knobbly-smooth and the flavor went perfectly with a pecan-crusted honey-mustard glazed salmon recipe also found on this site. TIP: For authentic mushy peas as served in English/Irish pubs, you never start with canned or frozen peas. Add frozen peas, and cook for 3 minutes, or until tender. I think next time I will use less pepper and perhaps add some sauted onions or crispy bacon.

Melissa Perrelli