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In the app, login with a certain user in that site (let's call him u1). Go to App settings > Synchronization and click the refresh button next to the site name. To setup an OAuth 2 client with Microsoft, first we need to login to the Microsoft Application Console and register a new application. In the app, login with a certain user (let's call it u1). Open any course and download an activity. Site admins, please see the Moodle Mobile guide for admins.

Using Moodle Desktop. Yes there is such option to logout users automatically which are logged in for specified period. Click u1 again and, in the embedded browser, now enter the user u1 credentials. An embedded browser should be opened. ... Force log out. E.g. Is there another place where this setting should be updated? Customise your app theme. ... Moodle 3.0 Tutorial for Beginners - Login for the 1st time - Duration: 2:39. I am also looking to find a pop-up message when the user is about to be logged off.Had a solution for pop up message when user log outs. Open the app in a device and login in the site.

This will result in only the custom branded app working for the site: the official Moodle Mobile app will not work. How to reproduce: Configure a site to use SSO in an embedded window and "force logout". To enable this option follow the path below: Thank you so much!!!

‎NOTE: This official Moodle app will ONLY work with Moodle sites that have been set up to allow it. MOODLE_37_STABLE In Moodle web, now enable the "Force log out".

See Translating Moodle Mobile for details of what to do. Check that you are asked for your password. Please talk to your Moodle administrator if you have any problems connecting. Go to More tab and logout. Teachers, for info on improving your courses for access via Moodle Desktop, please see Creating Moodle …

2 Register your site on the Moodle Apps Portal; 3 Have your site listed in the Moodle app site finder.

Moodle app APK The latest version of our Moodle app for Android can be obtained from the Google Play Store (recommended). Note that the application registrations portal has been deprecated for registering and managing converged applications since May 2019 and this functionality will be removed starting September 2019. In the app, login in the site.

Moodle Mobile App Assignment Submission - Duration: 2:54. Otherwise, you can set the app language in App settings > General. MOODLE_36_STABLE As for the Moodle Mobile app, Moodle Desktop will ONLY work with Moodle sites that have been set up to allow it. Open the same course as in step 3, enable download options and check that the activity is still downloaded. Check that you have both users stored in the app and u1 wasn't duplicated. Logout again. So the real question is if the timeout is delayed by typing in a text box, or only by clicking a button (like the next at the bottom of a page on a quiz). Logout again. In web, modify some string using "Custom language strings". I just tested this in moodle 2.2 on an essay answer quiz and the same thing happened. The Moodle app automatically detects your mobile's language and displays in the same language (if the translation exists).