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Xavier has been covering naval defense topics for nearly a decade.German Navy’s MKS 180 Multi-Purpose Combat Ship Program Back on TrackWe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.
higkeitsprofil MKS 180 – Operative Forderungen. German Naval Yards, which teamed with ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, also had been vying for the deal, portraying their offer as the most German of the proposals, with the promise of jobs and technology kept in the country. Entscheidung bei MKS 180 naht – GERMAN NAVAL YARDS KIEL gibt finales Angebot ab. No details are known from the revision of the federal budget in March 2019.

These mission modules are at the heart of what “multipurpose combat ship” means in practice.Official rendering of Damen's MKS 180. As drafted, the multi-ministry policy would establish the construction of surface ships as a key technology area in Germany’s security-industry fabric. I will be asking Parliament to approve the budget before the summer recess and I am very optimistic that we will then be able to conclude a contract for the MKS180 this year.”For the record, the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) announced The German MoD has now officially confirmed that German Naval Yards withdrew their request to review the contract and that Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding is now officially the winner of the tender for the construction of the ships.The German Navy describes the Multi-purpose Combat Ship 180 (The MKS 180 will be a multi-mission platform. New rules on Germany's key strategic industries have been in the works since the governing parties CDU and SPD agreed on a coalition agreement in 2018. The MKS 180 Multi-Purpose Combat Ship Program of the German Navy (Deutsche Marine) is back on track following an official announcement by German Federal Minister of Defence, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Share.

Previously he served as managing editor for Defense News. Damen image. Das MKS 180 soll zukünftig das gesamte Einsatz- und Aufgabenspektrum der Deutschen Marine abdecken und neue Fähigkeiten vervollständigen. Dutch naval shipbuilder Damen has won the selection process for the German Navy's new MKS 180 frigates, shown here in an artist's rendering. Von einer "Allzweckwaffe" spricht die Marine und zählt die vielfältigen Einsatzgebiete der "MKS 180" auf. Chief among those is a requirement to compete national programs across the bloc, which was the case with the large-frigate-style MKS 180 ships. Even after losing the MKS 180 program, there should be plenty of business for German Naval Yards and the other domestic shipbuilders, according to Sebastian Bruns, who heads the Center for Maritime Strategy and Security at the University of Kiel in northern Germany. “It's good that the long competition process has come to an end,” he said in a statement.
The designation means Berlin may seek an exception from certain European Union acquisition regulations. 14 posts 1; 2; Next; German MKS 180 Frigates German MKS 180 Frigates. It appears to be based on the OMEGA design. "The ultimate ambition of China's rulers isn't to trade with the United States, it is to raid the United States:"No one understands why a Saab cost so much until you crash with it"IIRC they're supposed to have various modules which can be aboard or not, StanFlex-like, & one StanFlex module is a block of ESSM-sized VLS. Share with: Link: Copy link. Das Vergabeverfahren „Mehrzweckkampfschiff (MKS Mehrzweckkampfschiff) 180“ ist einen weiteren großen Schritt voran gekommen.Aus der nun abgeschlossen Auswertung der Angebote durch die Vergabestelle des BAAINBw Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr ist mit der Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding B.V. ein Ausschreibungssieger … 1,355 102. sparky42. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.