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The Haenel weapon was preferred, and production of the MKb42 (W) ended by early 1943, with only 200 units made. 42 (W) and Mkb. Maschinenkarabiner 42, Haenel (MKb.42(H)) Naturgetreues Modell von Shoei.

Feature of this system is the length of the piston stroke in the gas chamber, located above the barrel. The MKb 42(H) uses a long-stroke gas piston located above the barrel. The German Army decided that, as they thought the 7.92 mm cartridge was too powerful, they needed to develop a new cartridge. The German Army decided that, as they thought the 7.92mm cartridge was too powerful, they needed to develop a new cartridge. It had a long-stroke gas piston system and fired from an open bolt, though later it was modified to fire from a closed bolt. The MKb 42(H) was an evolutionary step to the development of the StG 44. The poor performance was blamed on low quality ammunition. Firm C. G. Haenel, together with the conduct of these operations, from February to June 1943 continued to produce in small quantities Mkb. firm Walther at a monthly rate of production of 500 units delivered only 25 Mkb. Home German WW2 rifles MkB 42 (W) MkB 42 (W) In the development program that would ultimately yield the StG44, the two initial designs were produced by Haenel – the MKb42 (H) and Walther – the MKb42 (W). The barrel locking of the MKb 42(H) was achieved by tipping the rear part of the bolt down into the locking recess, cut in the machined steel insert in the receiver. 2 800 €

It was chambered for 7.92x33mm ammunition.

Generalization of experience fighting on the Eastern Front, and in Africa showed that a promising model of primary weapons infantryman must be multifunctional, that is not only striking fire, but (melee) bayonet and butt. Estimate is the starting price. This led to the development of two new automatic carbines; the MKb 42 (H) and the MKb 42 (W) (the "H" and "W" suffixes standing for "Haenel" and "Walther" respectively, indicating each weapons manufacturer). 42 (H). Contracts for a rifle firing 7.92×33mm rounds were sent to both Haenel and Walther, who then cobbled up a design based on the given specifications. But those plans went awry. Originale Beriemung. Minister of Armaments "Third Reich" Alfred Speer, in order to more fully explore the service and performance Mkb. This was achieved by moving along a helical cutting gas control rod couplings with tapered head, part of the camera that significantly improves the performance of weapons in difficult conditions. As early as 1918 the German Army began to study the feasibility of an intermediate round and rifle.Contracts for weapons firing the 7.92×33mm Kurz round were issued to both Haenel and Walther, who were asked to submit prototype weapons under the name Machinenkarabiner 1942.The original prototype of Haenel's design, the MKb 42(H), fired from an A production run of these modified versions was sent to the field in November 1942, and the users appreciated it with a few reservations. Maschinenkarabiner 42, Haenel (MKb.42(H))Des frais de ventes s'ajouteront à l'adjudication.Consultez les conditions de la venteInscrivez-vous à la newsletter pour recevoir de la part d’ toutes les actualités des ventes At the same time, the problems encountered in C. G. Haenel with subcontractors, while Walther with the establishment press-stamping equipment, led to the fact that by October of each firm ordered Mkb none was made. The Haenel MKb 42(H) was an assault rifle developed in Nazi Germany during World War II.

new rifle received the official name Mkb (Maschinenkarabin - automatic carbine) differ from those of MR (Maschinenpistole - sub-machine gun). 42 (W). Ejection port dust flap closes automatically. However, it serves as a fuse, which was necessary to drown the handle to the right, pushing the crown. He proposed the creation of a weapons system under the same conditions as C. G. Haenel, but using already fully exhaust shop from Mkb system Schmeisser. The original prototype submitted by both Haenel and Walther. A prototype rifle that was made by both Haenel and Walther was tested at Kummersdorf in December 1940 by the HWA; it performed poorly, in which it jammed up multiple times, several barrels bulged and one barrel had a catastrophic failure.

The Maschinenkarabiner 42(H) or MKb 42(H) (machine carbine Model 1942 (Haenel)) was an early German assault rifle that was designed in 1940-41 by Hugo Schmeisser working for C. G. Haenel Waffen und Fahrradfabrik during World War II. In 1942, Haenel and Walther were both tasked with creating rifles that utilized this new ammunition. De MKB-42 was één van de eerste ontwerpen om te voldoen aan de vraag van net Duitse leger naar een volautomatisch wapen voor de nieuwe patroon 7,92×33 Kurz. Amendments briefly, but slow transfer Mkb.

The Maschinenkarabiner 1942, more commonly known as the MKb 42 (or MkB 42), is a prototype assault rifle design.