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Remember that you can always disable the option to save cookies in your browser settings and obtain additional information about the processing of your personal data and your rights in our Sascha Kelterborn, Managing Director of Microvast GmbH and Senior Vice President of Microvast, Inc., commented on the company’s new location: “We are delighted with our cooperation with Panattoni Europe. The project will result in approximately 15.666 sqm warehouse, aprrox. Freie Stelle im Bereich Mitarbeiter (gn) Produktion an Fertigungslinie bei Microvast GmbH finden Sie im Stellenmarkt für Ludwigsfelde bei meinestadt.de z o.o. Panattoni is developing a modern logistics property for Microvast GmbH in the popular industrial park in Ludwigsfelde. Microvast baut im nördlichen Teil des Industrieparks 4.0 Eichspitze Ludwigsfelde auf einer Gesamtfläche von 4,5 Hektar. Die Microvast GmbH errichtet eine Batterieproduktion mit angeschlossenem Entwicklungszentrum in Ludwigsfelde. Der Batteriehersteller Microvast aus den USA investiert in Ludwigsfelde (Teltow-Fläming) vorerst 43 Millionen Euro in seine künftige Europa-Zentrale. Am Ende werde es ein dreistelliger Millionenbetrag sein, hieß es. Microvast GmbH (EMEA) | 333 followers on LinkedIn | Thinking Forward. The capital is, in effect, our gateway to the many research and education institutions in the Berlin metropolitan area; at the same time, Microvast will also benefit from the various companies in the area – providing ideal conditions for Microvast’s research, development and production site in Ludwigsfelde.”
Panattoni Europe plans to start construction in April 2020, with completion scheduled for December 2020. BTS Microvast Ludwigsfelde. To this end, we do our best to adjust the content available on this website to your interests and preferences. The production site will be erected in the industrial park 4.0 “An der Eichspitze” in the district of Genshagen, a location that enjoys good connections to the Berlin public transport network, the B101 federal highway and the A10 federal autobahn. The site’s convenient location and excellent transport connections were key factors in selecting Ludwigsfelde for the development. The site’s proximity to Berlin was among the factors in Microvast’s decision to base its European headquarters in Ludwigsfelde. 3.352 sqm office and approx. We would like that the use of our website to be comfortable for you. Not only are powerful batteries one of the key technologies in mobile devices, they also play a crucial role in the increasingly important field of e-Mobility. The project will result in approximately 15.666 sqm warehouse, aprrox. “The specific requirements of lithium-ion battery production are a particularly fascinating aspect of the work to design and construct the premises for Microvast,” said Fred-Markus Bohne, Managing Partner of Panattoni Europe. 195 sqm mezzanine area. “First and foremost, we would like to thank the municipality of Ludwigsfelde and IPG Potsdam for their trust and tremendous support in this project. The 36,000m² site will accommodate approximately 5,300m² of storage space, around 3,300m² of office space and social areas and about 10,500m² of production space. The site’s proximity to Berlin was among the factors in Microvast’s decision to base its European headquarters in Ludwigsfelde. The site will become a production center for lithium-ion batteries. Powering Now. In addition, 106 car parking spaces will be created. Following Tesla’s announced plans for a production plant in Germany, the US battery system manufacturer Microvast will also be settling just outside of Berlin. Für die Batteriefabrik des US-Unternehmens Microvast ist am Donnerstag in Ludwigsfelde (Teltow-Fläming) Richtfest gefeiert worden. 195 sqm mezzanine area. In Ludwigsfelde will Microvast in der ersten Ausbauphase 43 Millionen Euro investieren. By continuing to use our site, without changing the privacy settings, you agree to the storage of cookies on your device and the use of information stored in it. As a result, Microvast will have fast and direct connections to the country’s capital, Berlin, which serves as an important gateway for international goods. Once completed, the production centre is also set to create 150 new jobs.”
Sascha Kelterborn, Managing Director of Microvast GmbH and Senior Vice President of Microvast, Inc., commented on the company’s new location: “We are delighted with our cooperation with Panattoni Europe. Panattoni is developing a modern logistics property for Microvast GmbH in the popular industrial park in Ludwigsfelde.
41 Follower; 1.001-5.000 Mitarbeiter 15 davon bei XING. (administrator) of personal data for analytical and statistical purposes.
Microvast baut Batteriefabrik in Ludwigsfelde.