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The initial nominees were Annabel, Dillish, Hakeem, and Nando.Therefore, Annabel, Bolt, Dillish, Hakeem, Maria, Natasha, and Pokello were up for eviction for the week. On Day 8, nominations occurred. Housemates were only allowed to nominate people living in their same house. Ikponmwosa "IK" Osakioduwa came back to host the show for the fifth season in a row. ... Rather, our loss of privacy and Big Brother’s influence on us are brought about by none other than our penchant for sharing on …

*The tie-breaker rule applied to Cleo and Feza where the number of votes for the housemate were divided by the 15 regions to get the average percentage. Housemates were only allowed to nominate people from their own house.
On Day 50, nominations occurred. View the profiles of people named Maria Big Brother. Maria entered Big Brother in the hope of getting exposure which will boost her broadcasting career. D&D Beyond Sulu had the lowest average percentage. On day 48 during the Channel O party, Big Brother introduced six housemates from the "Emerald House": Alusa (Kenya), Busi (South Africa), Eveva (Zambia), Jazz (Kenya), JJ (Zimbabwe), and Sophie (Uganda).

Big Brother Africa 8 (also known as Big Brother Africa: The Chase) was the eighth season of the Big Brother Africa reality television series, produced by Endemol for M-Net.It began on 26 May 2013, running for 91 days and ending on 25 August 2013. Learn about the cast including names, and ages TV2 bought the Norwegian television rights for Big Brother and will air a fourth season in 2011. She lists spaghetti and chicken wings as her favourite foods and 50 Shades of Grey as her favourite book. The Emerald House didn't actually exist; it was a deception to make housemates second-guess their chances of winning. She lists a friend who's currently battling cancer as her role model. Natasha had the lowest average percentage. On day 21, Big Brother informed the housemates that there was a third house, supposedly called the "Emerald House". The final five were competing for the grand prize of US$300,000. *The tie-breaker rule applied to Elikem and Sulu where the number of votes for the housemate were divided by the 15 regions to get the average percentage.

Day 1 is also referred to as "Launch Night". Shallow Cover - Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper (Daddy Daughter Duet) Mat and Savanna Shaw - Duration: 3:35. She represented Namibia during the eighth season of the show where she became the ninth housemate to be evicted on Day 35 after receiving 1/15 votes to save. Big Brother 4. The initial nominees were Denzel, Elikem and Huddah.Therefore, Betty, Denzel, Huddah, Natasha, and Selly were up for eviction for the week. Die 35-jährige „Big Brother“-Kandidatin Maria hat bereits einen erwachsenen Sohn. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A Big Brother contestant was shown footage of her alleged rape following a night of heavy drinking, it has emerged. Meet the cast of Big Brother on She is the second overall ex-housemate to die. On Day 29, nominations occurred.

The initial nominees were Elikem, Natasha, and Pokello.The initial nominees were Annabel, Betty, Bolt, and Nando.Therefore, Betty, Bolt, Elikem, Motamma, Nando, Natasha, and O'Neal were up for eviction for the week. In this season, there were twenty-eight housemates who lived in two houses – The On Day 1, twenty-eight housemates entered the House. The results of viewers voting to save a housemate: The initial nominees were Bolt, Dillish, and Hakeem.Therefore, Dillish, Feza, Hakeem, Koketso, and LK4 were up for eviction for the week. Tine Barstad won series on 4 December 2011. On Day 36, nominations occurred. Fatima had the lowest average percentage. Housemates were only allowed to nominate people from their own house. Foto: (c) Sat.1/Arya Shirazi Bolt and Maria had the lowest average percentages. *The tie-breaker rule applied to Cleo and Fatima where the number of votes for the housemate were divided by the 15 regions to get the average percentage. The results of viewer voting for the housemate they wanted to save: *The tie-breaker rule applied to Cleo, Natasha and Pokello where the number of votes for the housemate were divided by the 15 regions to get the average percentage.