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Maggie De Block seen wearing Maggie De Block face mask Federal Health Minister Maggie De Block, who has made headlines across the country throughout the crisis, is back in the news this week after photos appeared of her wearing an unusual face mask.

Njene fotografije so se bliskovito razširile po družbenih omrežjih, kjer jo eni hvalijo za pogum in smisel za humor, spet drugi grajajo. Maggie Celine Louise De Block (* 28. Thursday, 06 August 2020 Following a reshuffle on 9 December 2018 to prevent the government's collapse, she additionally resumed responsibility for Asylum and Migration.

Maggie Celine Louise De Block ([ˈmɛɡi sɛˈlin luˈis də ˈblɔk], born 28 April 1962) is a Belgian politician, doctor and member of the Open VLD. De Block ist zudem seit 1999 Mitglied der föderalen Abgeordnetenkammer.

Copyright © 2019 The Brussels Times. Federal Health Minister Maggie De Block, who has made headlines across the country throughout the crisis, is back in the news this week after photos appeared of her wearing an unusual face mask. While people have worn dinosaurs, moustaches and monsters in an effort to show their style through masks, De Block opted for a mask of her own face.Not the Belgian health minister and iconic queen Maggie De Block wearing the best face mask you’ll see today? All Rights Reserved. While people have worn dinosaurs, moustaches and monsters in an effort to show their style through masks, De Block opted for a mask of her own face. Medtem ko se nekateri politiki znajdejo na udaru javnosti zaradi nesposobnosti ali korupcije, pa se je na novo ministrico za zdravje v Belgiji Maggie De Blockvsul val kritik zaradi njene teže.. 52-letnica sicer velja za eno bolj priljubljenih političark, a njena nova funkcija je sprožila neodobravanje v javnosti.

Oh wait, yes it is. April 1962 in Merchtem) ist eine belgische Allgemeinmedizinerin und Politikerin der Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (Open VLD).

Thursday, 06 August, 2020 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Maggie Celine Louise De Block, née le 28 avril 1962 à Merchtem est médecin et femme politique belge flamande, membre de l'OpenVLD. A ta je bila res nekaj posebnega. She held the portfolio of Minister of Social Affairs and Health in the Michel Government. Sie ist seit Oktober 2014 amtierende Ministerin für Gesundheit und Soziales in der föderalen Regierung. Belgijska ministrica za zdravje Maggie De Block je na delovno mesto prišla z zaščitno masko. This photo comes less than a week after Belgium began to enforce the widespread usage of masks in shops, cinemas and several other closed indoor spaces.In the past, De Block has been reported as sceptical about the use of face masks, saying that they gave “However, she also received some criticism for wearing it wrong, as masks are only effective if it covers both mouth and nose.The mask is an initiative of the catering concept Plein Publiek, which already launched the De Block mask, as well as one with the face of virologist Marc Van Ranst, in April.

In December 2012, she became the vice-chair of the In March 2013, she was voted woman of the year by readers of the francophone newspaper In 2015, she became the most popular politician in Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels - making her the most popular politician in Belgium.In 2018, under her direction as health minister, the strategic reserve of On 9 December 2018, it was announced that de Block would be responsible again for Asylum and Migration, replacing Her official title since then is Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, and Asylum Policy and Migration.