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Finally, Freya (guest star Riley Voelkel) receives an unexpected visit from one of the Salvatore Students. Danielle Rose Russell and Peyton Alex Smith also star.As the Salvatore School prepares for its annual football game against Mystic Falls High, the latest monster to arrive in Mystic Falls sets its eyes on one of the students. Eine Welt ohne Hope? With Danielle Rose Russell, Aria Shahghasemi, Quincy Fouse, Peyton 'Alex' Smith. Finally, Alaric’s past comes back to haunt him. Hope Mikaelson, a tribrid daughter of a Vampire/Werewolf hybrid, makes her way in the world. In order to deal with their recent trauma, Emma suggests the students participate in a group simulation that transports them to a film noir world. Elsewhere, Alaric (Matthew Davis) and Dorian (guest star Demetrius Bridges) make an alarming discovery about Professor Vardemus (guest star Alexis Denisof), while Rafael (Peyton Alex Smith) learns some upsetting news about Landon’s (Aria Shahghasemi) future. Meanwhile, Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) takes drastic measures when she and Alaric (Matthew Davis) clash over how to handle an issue involving Josie (Kaylee Bryant). Elsewhere, Alaric enlists Landon's help to find out if Sebastian is a threat to the school. The evil behind the real-life resurrection of formerly fictional beings proved to have a horrifying connection to Landon Kirby. The evil behind the real-life resurrection of formerly fictional beings proved to have a horrifying connection to Landon Kirby.

As the Salvatore School prepares for its upcoming '80s-themed decade dance, Hope and Lizzie find themselves trapped inside a never-ending labyrinth with a monster on their trail. Meanwhile, MG (Quincy Fouse), Kaleb (guest star Chris Lee) and Kym (guest star Ebboney Wilson) seek out an unlikely ally, who may have knowledge on how to take down the latest monster. HD für 2,99 €.

Staffel 2 Kaufen in. Back at the Salvatore School, Alaric (Matthew Davis), Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and the Super Squad commit to their own risky plan to get Josie back despite the potential consequences. Meanwhile, Josie (Kaylee Bryant) and Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) decide whether to take their relationship to the next level. Meanwhile, as Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) and Rafael (Peyton Alex Smith) head to Mystic Falls High in hopes of learning more about the mysterious Hope (Danielle Rose Russell), MG (Quincy Fouse) is conflicted by a secret he’s uncovered about Lizzie’s (Jenny Boyd) new vampire friend Sebastian (guest star Thomas Doherty). Outlander, Staffel 5 2020 The Blacklist, Staffel 7 2020 S.W.A.T. Hope finds herself in a race against the clock as the threat of the prophecy looms and the pressure to rescue the Saltzmans grows. Elsewhere, Alaric (Matthew Davis), Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and Josie (Kaylee Bryant) search for a solution that keeps Josie protected from the dark magic brewing inside the mora miserium. Neu auf Netflix im August 2020: Diese Serien & Filme lohnen sichNeu bei Amazon Prime im August 2020: "Lucifer" und Will Smiths Millionenflop erwarten die ZuschauerStreamPicker: Welche Filme und Serien laufen bei welchem Anbieter? Finally, as Alaric (Matthew Davis) gets settled into his new role at Mystic Falls High School, the students of the Salvatore School meet their new headmaster, Professor Vardemus (guest star Alexis Denisof).Determined to move forward with her new life alone, Hope’s (Danielle Rose Russell) latest hunt leads her on a collision course with the past she’s been desperately trying to leave behind. Elsewhere, MG's attempt at a perfect first date with Kym takes a disastrous turn when Hope enlists his help in her plan. Meanwhile, on their first day back in school, Landon’s (Aria Shahghasemi) newfound status as the popular guy leads to tensions with Josie (Kaylee Bryant). Quincy Fouse and Chris Lee also star.As the witches of the Salvatore School come together to celebrate Coven Day, the latest monster to infiltrate the school targets Alyssa Chang (guest star Olivia Liang) and the other students by spreading discord and creating chaos among the covens. News Elsewhere, Alaric, Lizzie and Josie search for a solution that keeps Josie protected from the dark magic brewing inside the mora miserium. This led his first love, Hope Mikaelson, to sacrifice her place at the school — and in the world — to protect Landon from a terrible fate.After discovering that there may be a way out of Malivore, Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) becomes more determined than ever to find her way back to Mystic Falls. Zweiteres ist zwar noch nicht in Deutschland abrufbar, wurde jedoch in den USA für eine zweite Staffel verlängert.Die Serie aus dem "Vampire Diaries"-Universum ist das Spin-off von "The Originals" und Es wäre sehr überraschend, wenn der Großteil der Hauptdarsteller nicht für die zweite Staffel von "Legacies" zurückkehren würde.