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Lavochkin Research and Production Association. This website uses cookies to help us give you the best experience when you visit. He designed a high-speed fighter aircraft “K”, which was later assigned the I-301 index and produced at 6 plants at a time. On completion of the payload injection mission, the Fregat upper stage conducts an orbit disposal maneuver or deorbitation to splash down in the World Ocean area.NPO Lavochkin is named after Semyon Alexeyevich Lavochkin, who was born in Smolensk on 11 September 1900. View of the Fairing and Upper Stage Final Assembly Shop from the overhead crane’s cabin. News, Analysis, Multimedia. Different parts of the Fregat upper stage are produced in different workshops in the territory of the enterprise, and the final assembly takes place at the Fairing and Upper Stage Final Assembly Shop. The upper stages are used in the launch vehicles as an additional stage. They ensure spacecraft injection into a wide range of near-earth orbits, as well as interplanetary trajectories. Alexander BAGROV of Lavochkin Research and Production Association, Moscow (LASPACE) | Read 74 publications | Contact Alexander BAGROV General information. m., and the exhibition hall area is 100 sq. It’s been located there since renovation in 2012. The images show the Fregate and payload layout under the head fairing of Soyuz-2 LV for a typical cluster mission.The scenario of payload orbit injection by the Fregat upper stage during a Soyuz-2 cluster missionis shown in the following images. It has a torospherical configuration consisting of six welded spherical tanks separated by spherical bottoms. Full Name Lavochkin Scientific and Production Association (Lavochkin Association) Address 24, Leningradskaya str., Khimki, Moscow reg., 141400, Russia The Fregat upper stage can achieve the launch mission target using its own available performance margins.NPOL is a leading organization in the space-rocket industry for the development, manufacture and practical use of automatic space systems and systems for fundamental scientific, astrophysical, planetary research, and Earth remote sensing, as well as upper stages for the launch of spacecraft to the near-earth orbits and Earth escape trajectories. We visited our partner, JSC Scientific Production Association named after S.A. Lavochkin (NPOL), specifically the Fregat upper stage manufacturing facility.Fregat is a universal upper stage, which can be used as part of a medium and heavy class launch vehicle.
Crane operations with the interstage. After that, the engine is started for the second time and the Fregat reaches the first target orbit to release the first payload. The Fregat remains the only upper stage in the world that can place spacecraft into 3 or more different orbits in a single launch. The basis of the Fregat design layout is a block of tanks, built according to a monoblock pattern. Since, for the selected main engine, the volume of the oxidizer used is greater than the volume of the fuel, for the purpose of optimization of the design, the oxidizer tanks are imbedded in the fuel tanks, which allows different volume of tanks with the same external dimensions and their full filling with fuel components.View of the Fairing and Upper Stage Final Assembly Shop from inside the fairing. Votre message a été envoyé! Moreover, the Fregat in-orbit life is up to 2 days. The standalone upper stage control system provides a solution to the navigation problem starting with the LV lift-off, which ensures high accuracy of the spacecraft launch. To improve the performance of our website, show the most relevant news products and targeted advertising, we collect technical impersonal information about you, including through the tools of our partners. NPO Lavochkin NPO S.A.Lavochkin Lavochkin Research and Production Association 24 Leningradskoye Shosse Khimki 141400 Moscow Region Russia Tel +7 095 573-90-56 Chemical milling is also performed to reduce the weight of the structure. View of the Fregat tank block production shop from the overhead crane. All rights reserved Find out more on Sputnik International. The next image shows further process of the payload delivery into orbit. Fregat-MT is a modernized upper stage for the Guiana Space Center. Final assembly of the Fregat-MT (with additional medium-capacity tanks). The company was established by the decision of Roscosmos and is authorized to conclude and implement commercial contracts for the launch of spacecraft using Soyuz-2 family launch vehicles from the Russian launch sites.PREPARATION FOR THE FIRST COMMERCIAL LAUNCH OPERATED BY GK LAUNCH SERVICES IS AS SCHEDULEDRUAG SPACE TO SUPPLY PAYLOAD ADAPTERS AND SEPARATION SYSTEMS FOR THE SOYUZ LAUNCHERS© 2020 ГЛАВКОСМОС Пусковые Услуги: Оператор коммерческих пусков РН "Союз-2" с российских космодромовWe visited our partner, JSC Scientific Production Association named after S.A.
Argon-arc welding is used, including in vacuum chambers. Find 18 researchers and browse 0 departments, publications, full-texts, contact details and general information related to Lavochkin Research and Production Association | Moscow, Russia | LASPACE After separation from LV, its main engine ignites for the first time and Fregat reaches the transfer orbit.
The main exhibition area is 900 sq. After tests, the Fregat is moved into the shipping container for packing.The maiden launch of Fregat upper stage as part of Soyuz launch vehiclewas performed on 9 February 2000. The second image shows the Fregat flight to the second transfer orbit, and then to the second target orbit to separate the second payload. Fregat manufacturing lead-time – Beginning of equipment installation on the Fregat tank block. Four of them are tanks for oxidizer and propellant, two tanks accommodate instruments and equipment (one of them is hermetically sealed).