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A hybrid Green Gas & CO2 powered 6mm Airsoft Real Wood replica of the infamous K98K adopted by the German Wermacht in 1935, which saw consistent use and issue all the way through to 1945. A high quality, faithful, Airsoft 6mm BB replica of the Colt 1911A World War 2 (WWII) .45 ACP Pistol. No reviews yet
It finally replaced the G98 and 98b and used by Nazi Germany from 1935.
The G&G G980 SE uses the traditional G980 rifle as the base, but instead of using a standard gas tyle magazine, the G980 SE feeds from replica 8mm shells, each one holding a single BB and contained on a stripper clip. No reviews yet
The weapon is constructed almost entirely from polymer including the Receiver, Stock, Pistol Grip with parts like the Magazine and Stock Tube being alloy. For more accurate postage estimate please use the We want you to be absolutely happy with our products and services, so we provide the simple Patrol Base guarantee: if on receiving your item you are unhappy with your item for any reason then simply send it back to us. No reviews yet
The bolt action is much lighter than the D-Boys spring powered equivalent, leading to fast follow up shots and an overall less-tiring experience.
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Browse different Sniper Rifles by Tanaka Works online. Free shipping. PPS Kar 98K Chiang Kai-Shek - CO2.
The BBs are constructed from PLA (Polylactide) Material, and feature a 0.01mm +/- Tolerance for improved consistency.A must have piece of kit for any Airsoft player or enthusiast.
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A Gas Can which is used to fill Airsoft Gas Blowback Pistols and Weapon Magazine created by NUPROL and designed to be cleaner, with a higher performance than WE Europe's old Green Gas.This gas is a must have for any Airsoft Skirmisher who has a Gas Blowback Pistol, Carbine or Rifle and wants to re-gas their magazines in the field, allowing them to play for longer without having to go back to the safe zone to re-fill magazines.As the time approaches for birthday, Christmas and special occasion gifts, it can be a bit nerve wracking trying to decide what Airsoft Gift to buy. Based on the famous Mauser 98K rifle, considered by many to be the gold standard of bolt action rifles, the G&G G980 SE, brings a new level of realism to WWII Airsofting.
The weapon accepts either Green Gas or CO2 powered magazines, and comes with 2 x Green Gas magazines in the box to give you a decent start. We provide a working day by road service via our handpicked courier services, simply buy your Airsoft guns with us and we'll have them delivered directly to your door.For more information and to see the country we deliver please check out our Below are some rough postage prices for orders. Want to have a go before you buy? Airsoft sights and scopes for assault rifles and snipersGet great discounts on Airsoft BBs when you bulk buy!Save big by buying Airsoft Gas in bulk!
Double Bell WWII Kar 98k Bolt Action Gas Airsoft Rifle WOOD. Delivery & Returns
Easy to store and lasts longer than Silicone Oil Spray. No reviews yet
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Please note that to use the voucher in-store the code cannot be visible or scratched off. DBOYS BY101A KAR-98K SHELL EJECTING SPRINGER .
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The feed lips are removed by pulling back on the silver tab on top of the magazines and sliding the feed lips vertically.