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He was strict and serious when dealing with children, Nango remembers, and attempted to be completely fair-minded. Kudo says reports of street fighting by Judo and jujitsu students jealous of their own prowess were exaggerated. The Kodokan’s procedure of teaching beginners the basis of Judo, then having them engage in randori and only after they had attained a certain level of proficiency, teaching them the formal kata, came from Fukuda and a later In 1879, a year after Jigoro started working out at Fukuda’s dojo, the jujitsu master suddenly became gravely ill and died at the age of only 52. Becoming a boarding student, this was the first time after moving to Tokyo that he was separated from his father.
The 19-year-old youth soon joined another branch of the Tenjin-shinyo-ryu run by a 62-year-old jujitsu instructor named Masatomo Iso.
Outweighed by 100 pounds, the lightweight youth invariably lost to the bigger man. Kudo says “Shihan was so proud of his calves he was always pulling up his hakama to show them off.” Kudo was also amazed at Kano’s speed. And the tablets would come tumbling down!It seems the converted dojo adjoined the main hall of the temple in which the image of Buddha was located together with hundreds of mortuary tablets presented by various worshippers. One wonders what would have happened had Jigoro Kano been a big brute of a man instead of the 5-foot, 2-inch, 90-pound weakling he was in his teens.Jujitsu was flourishing during Jigoro’s boyhood. He usually rode to work in a ricksha as headmaster of Gakushuin, or Peer’s School, but only after spending two hours instructing at his own Kobun Gakuen (a school organized by Kano for Chinese students). After moving to Tokyo, Jigorō first studied at Ubukata Keidō’s private school where he studied subjects such as Chinese classics, Japanese history, and calligraphy. He studied Judo for eight years and went as high as nidan. Judo (柔道, jūdō, Japanese pronunciation: [dʑɯ ːdoː], lit. The first kangeiko was launched in 1894, while the first shochugeiko (midsummer training) began two years later in 1896.Management of the Kodokan was handled by Kano himself until 1894 when a consultative body, the Kodokan Council, was set up. With 20 mats, it was the largest training hall up to this time.But 1884 was the key year when the Kodokan by-laws were drawn up. Jigoro Kano met Tsunetoshi Iikubo, master of the Kito School of Jujitsu, and began training at his dojo.
Apparently, Iikubo was a vigorous fighter because every time he came to teach at the 12-mat dojo at Eishoji, training got a bit more violent than usual. Today, the Kishi Kaikan is the headquarters for the JAA. Today, more than six million persons practice Judo in over 30 countries around the world. Needless to say, Judo was an integral part of the school’s athletic activities.Although Kano was devoted to Judo, he was interested in all of sports. Kano was so angry he cried: “Everyone in this course is dropped!”It was in August of 1891 Jigoro Kano married Sumako, the eldest daughter of Seisei Takezoe — onetime ambassador to Korea. Especially in the Kitō-ryū, in which jūjutsu was practised under the pretence of wearing armour, the importance of the natural standing position “hontai (true body)”—later known as “shizen hontai” (natural true body)—was stressed. Then in 1922, the Kodokan Dan Grade Holders Association was organized, followed by the Judo Medical Research Society in 1932.When Kano called Judo “a way of human development understandable by people all over the world,” he was attempting to formulate an idea he had of organizing an international Judo federation to spread interest in Judo. In fact, he was beaten up so often by local bullies he resolved to strengthen himself the best way he could. “He left the children almost entirely to the mother,” Noriko writes in her “Recollections of My Father”. When he wasn’t in class or studying, he would go off in search of an osteopath because they had all received jujitsu training. “Keichu Tokugawa, son of a former shogun, was treated no differently in Judo training than any of Kano’s other students.”Kudo saw him as responding easily to others, not quickly angered — an apparent contradiction to the way Takasaki recalled him.
To compensate for this, his assistants and students trained especially hard in ne-waza in order to beat jujitsu rivals.Ninety-one-year-old Saburo Nango, a nephew of Jigoro Kano and 18 years his junior, remembers doing randori with his uncle in those early years.
Thus, the entire environment changed under Kano’s administration, and not too surprisingly the parents of the students were full of admiration for the wonders being worked at Gakushuin.Nango remembers Kano as unusually strict. His search finally led him to the door of a bone doctor in Nihonbashi named Teinosuke Yagi who promised to introduce him to a jujitsu teacher living in the neighborhood.Jigoro Kano had actually started his training in jujitsu at the age of 17, but his instructor, Ryuji Katagiri, felt he was too young for serious training. Kanō excelled in his studies, but was physically small and was bullied by jealous seniors.