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The turret is equipped with two 13mm machine guns and possesses excellent firing angles on the aircraft’s rear hemisphere and the premium status of the vehicle will allow its pilots to expect increased earnings in battles and faster research of other German aircraft.PLS! BESKERBER. The bombload and bomb bay was no larger than the earlier plane, so although it could handle a larger load by mounting externally, doing so hurt performance. With Ju 288 C addition it would  just make no sense if this plane is not added to regular tree 33d Ground and Air Combat Sqdr -33GAC- 656 Squadron AAC =HELIS= At the beginning of the match, you should always go into a shallow dive to maximise your speed, and by that the chance to get to your target before anybody else, and to cover the underside of the plane by simply flying close to the ground.

The fuselage and tail surfaces were identical to the Ju 88 A-1, which presented a problem: with the extra power, 1,560 PS (1,150 kW, 1,540 hp), the design could now carry considerably more load than the small bomb bay could fit. Especially with those torpedoes for naval forces.

The Ju 188 E-2 was built as a torpedo-bomber, but was identical to the Ju 188 A-3.Although the A and E models were to have been delivered at the same time, the Jumo engine was still having difficulties getting into production. It was introduced in Update 1.97 "Viking Fury".. General info Flight performance.

Stop using loud music in the videos. Bomber Ju 188 A-2. 656 Squadron AAC =HELIS=
The Junkers Ju 388J is a German late-war high altitude bomber hunter, designed in response to threat posed by the new American B-29 Superfortress bomber. However, the RLM still remained unconvinced that the small improvement in performance over the existing A-5's and future A-4's was worth investing time in. After the construction and testing of six further prototypes were completed in three modifications: the Ju 388J high-altitude interceptor, a Ju 388K medium bomber and the Ju 388L scout. With Jumo 213E-1 engines 2,050 PS (1,510 kW, 2,020 hp) at take-off and 1,690 PS (1,240 kW, 1,670 hp) at 9,500 m (31,400 ft), the Ju 188T could reach 700 km/h (440 mph). We need some torpedo love

Just4Vehicles =J4V= The Ju 388 J is a premium rank IV German twin-engine fighter with a battle rating of 4.7 (AB) and 4.3 (RB/SB).

!they sound just like any other in the game so whats your pointOGy43, Still. 1. In the end, only around 100 Ju 388s were built with most aircraft seeing only limited action during their short service life during the final stages of WW2. With naval forces coming soon, an additional torpedo bomber for germany wouldn't be excessive But the heavy armament in the A and E series was the MG 151/20. TEXAS =TEXAS= 1.

Home. Just4Vehicles =J4V= The RLM finally decided that even the small gains in performance in the Ju 88B were worth considering, and asked Junkers for a series of upgrades as the Ju 188. Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Guest Sign-in to your account. One of these was fitted with the slightly updated 801L engines and a small power-operated turret on the extreme top of the cockpit mounting a 13 mm (.51 in) MG 131 machine gun.By 1942, it was becoming clear that the Junkers' firm's competitor in the important Bomber B program, the Ju 288 was not going to be ready soon, and at the same time the Ju 88s were increasingly at the mercy of a rapidly improving RAF and Soviet VVS. We want to hear the engines and guns!The Coubs are not really to showcase the sounds of the aircraft. Concerning ground targets, you can use the loadout you prefer, just make sure you have 3 bomb drops before you get to the 50kg bombs in the bomb bay. 656 Squadron AAC =HELIS= yeah its not like you have a 50k repair cost for climbing into low earth orbit or anything.

This ability gives fans of German heavy fighters a chance to assist in hunting down enemies who seek safety high above the clouds.Radar will help players find their enemy in poor visibility conditions or in the clouds - The Ju 388J is one of the few aircraft in WWII equipped with radar stations.

The first prototype of the Ju 388 performed its maiden flight in December 1943, showing promising results. A conversion testing unit was formed up in May, and after testing were attached to an operational unit, with the first mission, an attack by three Ju 188E-1s on a factory in Lincoln, Lincolnshire taking place on 18 August 1943. The Ju 388 was ordered into production and was officially introduced into Luftwaffe service in summer 1944.