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girocard, gängige Kreditkarten sowie unsere eigenen Karten werden akzeptiert. D-check), requires a major modification or alteration of the airframe, or could use an upgrade in its cockpit or cabin (SatCom, IFE or cabin management systems), our technicians receive the best available training to meet the highest business aviation standards.As FAA #QV1Y440K, and the EASA #CH.145.0232-rated aircraft repair stations with numerous national aviation authority approvals, we can obtain any missing national approvals necessary to service your aircraft.

Download the PrivateFly app Our long-standing reputation for quality workmanship is backed by numerous aviation authorities, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers in the industry. It has never been easier to find a rental car in Kassel. Heute bietet Kassel Airport neben dem Betrieb von firmeneigenen Jets und dem Charterflug auch Flugschulen eine moderne Infrastruktur mit kurzen Wegen. So, if you're looking for some new mates, you won't have too many problems. Kassel is situated 120 kilometres south of the city of Hannover. Whether you need coverage for dry leasing your aircraft or purchasing your first corporate jet, Kassel has the skill set needed to guide you through the complex process. … Do some research and find out if there are multiple airports at your destination. These statements will guide all our employees as we go about our daily work and will affect not only our way of dealing with our immediate environment but will also help us realize our ambition to become the leader in business aviation services worldwide.Our long-term goal is to be the leader in business aviation services worldwide.As a globally recognized leader in the business aviation industry, we have been ensuring your health and safety for almost half a century.

Kassel Aviation has experience arranging insurance placements all the way from a Cirrus to Boeing Business Jets for clients across the United States and abroad. Whether you are interested in Find all our services and lines of business summarized: We have partners that can also assist in tax and legal matters. Zahlungsinformationen. We are an approved service center for Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Dassault, Embraer and Gulfstream aircraft. 210 34127 Kassel Tel.

Seit 1970, damals noch Verkehrslandeplatz, hat sich unser Business-Aviation Bereich zu einem beliebten Standort entwickelt. Today, Jet Aviation Basel is one of the largest independent completions center in the world. For private jet charter prices call our expert flight team 24/7 Sie verfügt über 38 Standorte in Europa, Nahen und Fernen Osten sowie in Nord- und Südamerika. View Details. At Jet Aviation Basel you can benefit from almost half a century of experience. Ab Kassel Airport in die Sonne: Informationen zu Flugplan, Reiseangeboten und Online-Buchung ... Jet Aviation GmbH. Our highest priority is ensuring your safety and security, which we achieve by maintaining the highest standards through continuous and rigorous quality and safety checks. Kassel Aviation has experience arranging insurance placements all the way from a Cirrus to Boeing Business Jets for clients across the United States and abroad. Kassel Airport in Kassel, Germany has a runway length of 4921 feet and is suitable for

2013 wurde unser moderner und exklusiver GAT-Terminal in Betrieb genommen. Simply closer Über uns En; Fr; De; It; Firma; Wie es funktioniert Documenta-Halle and Museum of Natural History are also within 3 mi (5 km). Jun 13 - Jun 14 . Kontakt PAD Aviation Technics GmbH Flughafen Kassel Fieseler-Storch-Strafle 40 34379 Calden. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.