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Meyers, whose potential investors have abandoned him, confronts Jack and is about to shoot him when Jack throws an explosive collar toward Meyers and detonates it. In the ending scene, Ramona advises Jack to go back to New Orleans and be with his wife. He also swore on her grave to take down whatever drug operation he could find. There is your basic bar brawl, alley scene and mostly a lot of gun fighting. super super. Two assassins agree to work together as one tries to avenge his wife and the other collect a reward for a job.

This film is good in it's genre and that genre is naturally action with a little/average budget.

But the person who steals the show is: Looking for some great streaming picks? Looks like Van Damme delivers greatly better performances when he has a good director guiding him. Commentaire Signaler un abus.

5,0 sur 5 étoiles parfait.

Billy Pawnell : The … The Shepherd: Border Patrol is a 2008 American action film directed by Isaac Florentine and starring Jean-Claude van Damme, Stephen Lord, Cheryl Wilfred Gahis, Gary McDonald, Scott Adkins and Van Damme's real life daughter Bianca van Varenberg. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. 5,0 von 5 Sternen The Sheperd. With Jean-Claude Van Damme, Stephen Lord, Natalie J. Robb, Gary McDonald. Complications arise when the boxer suspects his sister may be romantically involved with the bodyguard. Kommentar Missbrauch melden. Juni 2010. Jack and his partner Billy Pawnell (Gary McDonald) have their work cut out for them in trying to bring down Meyers and his operation.

Was this review helpful to you? Deep within a forest on the U.S.-Canadian border, two sworn enemies must work together to escape a ruthless drug cartel hell-bent on retrieving a drug shipment which went missing there. Isaac Florentine directs an OK action flick if you ignore the weak plot and the holes in it. Ingolf Mätzig. En lire plus. On an out of control train holding hostages and high-tech bio-weapons agent Kristoff (Van Damme) becomes a one man army to derail the terrorists and save the lives of everyone on board!

A playboy criminal contacts his dad after stealing a Faberge egg. Boudin Eric. Lesen Sie weiter. Ramona goes to find an escape vehicle, but is knocked out in a car crash. A former New Orleans cop battles drug cartels and ex-Army Special Forces who are smuggling drugs from Mexico into U.S. through a Texas border town.

Utile. Rezension aus Deutschland vom 28. Verifizierter Kauf. A man (JCVD) drives out in the desert where some men steal his motorcycle and leave him for dead. Beat the literal heat with three films that capture the spirit of summer love.Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? B-Action-Superstar Jean-Claude van Damme, zuletzt in "Until Death" als vergleichsweise gebrochener Charakter unterwegs, gibt sich mal wieder als unbesiegbarer Alleskönner in diesem Actionthriller mit Kampfsporteinlagen.

Commenté en France le 21 juillet 2014.

Later it seems his dad has gone missing in Israel so he heads there.

Migrants are randomly outfitted with C4 vests, so any border patrol agent who interferes might get blown up.

Ich bin totaler Jean-Claude Van Damme Fan und für jeden Van Damme Fan und sammler ein absoluter muss. j'ai mis la note parfait car j'addore les films de Jean-Claude Van Damme, c'est un film que je recommande aux fans de Van Damme.

A former New Orleans cop Jack Robideaux (Jean-Claude van Damme) arrives with his pet rabbit in At the moment, the border patrol is up against a highly dangerous drug smuggling operation, in which the smugglers are funneling illegal immigrants and bricks of heroin through the porous defenses of the Mexico US border. Jean-Claude Van Damme's 31st self-starring film is thoroughly passable as a run-of-the-mill DTV action movie.

The loser at the recent presidential election isn't letting that stop him.

Directed by Isaac Florentine.

Some basic drama, but nothing too deep.

As it turns out, the smugglers are a rogue special forces unit led by Benjamin Meyers (Stephen Lord) and his right-hand man Karp (Scott Adkins), who have taken over all of the smuggling operations in the area by killing major drug kingpins Félix Néstor (Daniel Perrone) and Benito Ortiz (Luis Algar). He wakes up wanting to put things right. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. A former New Orleans cop battles drug cartels and ex-Army Special Forces who are smuggling drugs from Mexico into U.S. through a Texas border town.

Stowe is a dirty cop who is hooked on heroin, and everyone dislikes him. Jack's pet rabbit was originally Kassie's rabbit, and he carries it around in memory of Kassie.

A man must survive a prison where hardened criminals battle to the death for the wardens' entertainment. Lots of fight and chase scenes. They fight, and Karp brutally kicks Jack in the head, effectively slowing him down.

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Because of an accident he is put into a coma, and comes out of it a better person. 19 of 23 people found this review helpful.