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Create Gabriele Susanne Kerner (born 24 March 1960), better known by her stage name Nena, is a German singer and actress. Awesome! Jan Delay (born Jan Phillip Eißfeldt; 25 August 1976) is a German singer, songwriter and producer whose stylistic range includes mainly hip hop, reggae, dub and funk. Due to the success, many cover versions of this song appeared, including samples as well as other languages. Get instant explanation for any lyrics that hits you anywhere on the web!Get instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the web! Written by: Carlo Karges, Joern-Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen An accomplished solo artist, he became known to the public as a member of the German bands Absolute Beginner and La Boom. Awesome! Dennis Dubplate) Total views: 1 time this week / Rating: 6.71/10 [14 votes] Album: Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann - Single / Original Release Date: 2019-11-01. Song Duration: 7 min 17 sec. Know what this song is about? Liebe wird aus Mut gemacht Denk nicht lange nach Wir fahr'n auf Feuerrädern Richtung Zukunft durch die Nacht. He performed with his group 'Disko No.1' at the grand final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2011 in Düsseldorf, Germany. Lyrics to 'Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann' by Nena: Im Sturz durch Raum und Zeit Richtung Unendlichkeit Fliegen Motten in das Licht Genau wie du und ich. link: This is the list of 10 songs contained into the album. This album is definitely not the first of his career. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.

Nena is a German musical group of the German New wave, which is obtained by, in February 1983, released the Song '99 balloons' to international fame. Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann Lyrics. In 2007, she co-founded the school "Neue Schule Hamburg". Cool

Top Nena Lyrics Jetzt Bist Du Weg Haus Der Drei Sonnen Tanz Auf Dem Vulkan Manchmal Ist Ein Tag Ein Ganzes Leben Du Kennst Die Liebe Nicht 99 Luftballons … Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann lyrics: Im Sturz durch Raum und Zeit Richtung Unendlichkeit fliegen Motten in das Licht, genau wie du und ich Irgendwie fängt irgendwann irgendwo … "Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann" is a 1984 song by Nena which was a commercial success in Europe. Due to the success, many cover versions of this song appeared, including samples as well as other languages.

Good Comment and share your favourite lyrics. "Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann" is a 1984 love song by Nena which was a commercial success in Europe.

Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann Lyrics (feat. explanations' markup.

If this song really means something special to you, Follow these rules and your meaning will be published LYRICS Im Sturz durch Raum und Zeit Richtung Unendlichkeit Fliegen Motten in das Licht Genau wie du und ich Irgendwie fängt irgendwann Irgendwo die Zukunft an Ich warte nicht mehr lang Liebe wird aus Mut gemacht Denk nicht lange nach Wir fahr’n auf Feuerrädern Richtung Zukunft durch die Nacht Gib mir die Hand Ich bau dir ein Schloss aus Sand Irgendwie irgendwo irgendwann Die Zeit ist …

Released initially as single, ... Nena that contains a new version of the song with the combined English and German lyrics, performed with British singer Kim Wilde. Em C D Irgendwie fängt irgendwann irgendwo die Zukunft an, G Em C Ich warte nicht mehr lang. Both songs were written by Nena band members Jörn-Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen and Carlo Karges and between them have had in the 21st century a near duopoly of being the final rock song that Nena plays at the end of her live concerts.Get instant explanation for any lyrics that hits you anywhere on the web!Get instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the web! About Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann "Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann" is a 1984 love song by Nena which was a commercial success in Europe. With the re-recording and subsequent release of some of her old songs, her career re-emerged in 2002. interesting and valuable. 20 words Released initially as single, it's been also included on Nena's 1985 album Feuer und Flamme. Create an account to credit all your contributions to your name, receive You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.The Translation of Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann - Nena in English and the original Lyrics of the SongDue to lack of time and people, many translations are done with the automatic translator.

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