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Water samples from river, coastal sea, and groundwater were collected and examined in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, from 1995 to 1998. [Wright, S.M., Howard, B.J., Strand, P., Nylén, T., Sickel, M.A.K., 1999. Lung, liver and blood contained the highest amounts of chromium, as detected by atomic absorption or by ICP, 24 h after cessation of treatment. The contamination impulse in the area, which provides the input to the model, has been approximated by a first order gamma-variate curve. The Journal Impact Factor is published each year by Clarivate Analytics.

Environmental impact assessment of these discharges are performed based on monitoring samples of different types of natural indicators. The transfer of radiocesium and ruthenium to the forest floor by litter-fall was small when compared with that of weathering by rain or wind (radiocesium 7%, radioruthenium 8%, with respect to the total activity deposited in the canopy). Relatively high 134Cs concentrations in periphyton at year 5 point to the importance of benthic pathways in the recycling of contaminants to higher trophic levels. During the bare-ground season, the reindeer eat various grasses, herbs and leaves etc.

The 129I concentrations in these mammalian thyroids are similar to those of non-direct contamination areas of the world, where the terrestrial 129I contents are influenced by the global fallout.The quantity of the long lived (half-life 15.7 million years) radioactive isotope 129I in the pre-nuclear age ocean was approximately 100 kg. The acute health effects produced include a wide range, from minor biological changes to causes of illness and exacerbation of disease, to death.
Another allele (DQB1*0402) plays an important role in Japanese silicosis patients. During winter the basic fodder plants for reindeer are lichens and some winter-green plants, shrubs and dry leaves. Part II: Evaluation of the activity-depth profiles by transport models. This paper reports results from analyses of samples collected during 1981, reports transfers coefficients for 90Sr and 137Cs from various types of feed to milk, and discusses factors that affect the transfer of these radionuclides. The AMAP modeling approach, based on measured precipitation and radionuclide deposition data, was applied using a reference monitoring station located close to Reykjavik. Normally, journals with higher impact factors are often deemed to have more influence than those with lower ones. About 10% of 131I was removed from leaf vegetables by washing, and about 70% by boiling.A three-compartment (air- grass-milk) milk contamination model for 131I has been applied to atmospheric, grass and milk data, following the April 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl. The SRS is a nuclear facility operated by Westinghouse Savannah River Company for the US Department of Energy. To decline or learn more, visit our These methods have been used to estimate global fallout in Iceland, identified during the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) by Wright et al. Environmental abatement programs must be effective in achieving the desired goals and efficient in achieving them at low cost. Samples were collected from various European lakes and from Lake Baikal (Russia). With the exception of Zn, heavy metal deposition in New Zealand was generally lower than rates measured in other countries. Elsevier working with researchers like you to build an understanding of the knowledge base related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The strong latitudinal dependence suggests a northward dilution and possibly depletion of the isotope and a transport from a source located to the south. The 50%-depth of the accumulated activity increased from 2.4 cm in 1988 to 5.3 cm in 2001 for (134)Cs and from 2.7 to 5.8 cm for (137)Cs. In the Piedmont region (North-Western Italy) we have carried out an atmospheric monitoring study: in the centre of Turin city (urban site), in Cuorgnè (rural site), and in Banchetta (remote site). The most important factor to induce anti-topo I autoantibodies seems not to be the type of alleles themselves, but the position of some specific amino acid residues in the DQ beta first domain. Sci Total Environ 86:131-148Hexavalent chromium was administered to rats at doses of 20-240 mumol kg-1 for several periods of time, from 2 to 14 days. It is shown that during 1981 a large proportion of the 90Sr and 137Cs consumed by cattle grazing near Sellafield was derived from activity deposited in previous years. However, the science community has also noted that review articles typically are more citable than research articles. Chlorinated organic pesticides were detected in 7 of the 1,484 samples analyzed in the 2001-06 period (0.5%): 1 dairy product, 1 fruit, 1 olive oil and 4 vegetables. The 110mAg concentrations ranged from 4.5 to 46.1 Bq kg-1 (average 14.3 Bq kg-1) in soils and from 0.2 to 1.5 Bq kg-1 (average 0.8 Bq kg-1) in grass.