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Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.
At Google, we take online security seriously. To protect your Google Account, we strongly recommend following the steps below regularly.If you’re a journalist, activist, or someone else at risk of targeted online attacks, consider enrolling in the Consider removing account access for any non-essential apps to better protect sensitive information.Screen locks help protect your devices from being used without your permission. These items might be part of bundles, which group similar activity together. Install only essential apps and browser extensions on devices that have access to sensitive information.
If you visit these websites and apps while signed in to your Google Account, your activity might show up in My Activity. When you use Google sites, apps, and services, some of your activity is saved in your Google Account.
If your password for one site is hacked, it could be used to get in to your accounts for multiple sites.A password manager can help you generate and manage strong, unique passwords. Welcome to your Password Manager Manage your saved passwords in Android or Chrome.
Consider using one from To get notified if you enter your Google Account password on a non-Google site, turn on As more apps are installed on a device, it can become more vulnerable. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. This activity helps make your experience on Google faster and more useful.The kinds of activity that show up in My Activity depend on which Google products you use and which Activity is saved when you're signed in to your Google Account.Your activity is listed as individual items, starting with the most recent. Google will never ask for your password in an email, message, or phone call.
To change your view, at the top right, click More You can control most of the information that’s displayed in My Activity.If your searches, websites you’ve visited, or other activity don't appear in My Activity, make sure that:You might see these types of unfamiliar activity in My Activity.Some websites and apps use Google services, like Search, Maps, or Ads. Password Checkup Check the strength and security of Here's an example.If you think activity on your account was done by someone else, take steps to help Not all of the activity that's saved to your account shows up in My Activity. Avoid installing unknown apps or apps from unknown sources to protect your device and personal info.Hackers can use emails, text messages, phone calls, and web pages to pretend to be institutions, family members, or colleagues. You can see and delete this activity in My Activity, and you can stop saving most activity at any Per editar la informació que utilitzes als serveis de Google (per exemple, el teu nom i la teva foto), inicia la sessió al teu compte.
Keep your software updated to help protect your account.Make sure you’re using the latest version of your browser.Make sure you’re using the latest version of the operating system on your device or computer.Make sure you’re using the latest version of the apps on your phone or computer.Google Play Protect helps keep Android devices safe from harmful apps. (You can view your activity as bundles or individual items.
You can see and delete this activity in My Activity, and you can stop saving most activity at any time.My Activity is a central place to view and manage activity like searches you've done, websites you've visited, and videos you've watched.When you use certain Google services, like Search, YouTube, or Chrome, your activity can be saved as data to your account.
If you use a shared device or sign in with multiple accounts, you may see activity from another signed in account. Want to find more about go to www bing comhttps myaccount google com intro personal info? Some websites and apps might share certain activity with Google.Sometimes Google predicts what you'd like to see next and serves this content to you.
Don’t reply to suspicious emails, texts, instant messages, webpages, or phone calls that ask for your personal or financial info.
Just access to the search box. They’re securely stored in your Google Account and available across all your devices.
Learn how to It’s risky to use the same password on multiple sites.
When you use Google sites, apps, and services, some of your activity is saved in your Google Account. Learn If your browser, operating system, or apps are out-of-date, the software might not be safe from hackers. Just access to the search box.
Just access to the search box.
També pots triar la informació personal que es mostra quan interacciones amb altres persones als
For example, if you've turned on To see other kinds of activity that are saved to your account:To view and control other account information, open your
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Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content. 25 30 https myaccount google com intro personal info Want to find more about 25 30 https myaccount google com intro personal info?