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Försök igen senare. Du kan även köpa enheten genom att göra en separat beställning.Vi kan inte skicka den här produkten och de övriga varorna i kundvagnen tillsammans. If you're setting up a Chromecast Ultra, you can also choose to connect it directly to your … See trending video content on Chromecast-enabled apps. The mobile app you’re using will automatically kick the stream over to the Chromecast and the stream will begin playback.The extra nice thing about the Chromecast is that all the unpacking/decompression of the video stream is handled by the Chromecast itself (not the casting device), so even if your device is old, battered, and sporting a slow processor, you can still use the Chromecast with ease.

Best Android TV Boxes: NVIDIA SHIELD TV Pro Home Media Server - $199.99 ; Amazon Fire TV Streaming Media Player - $89.99; WeTek Play 2 Hybrid Media Center - $134.00 Install the Google Home app by downloading the Google Home app on your Chromecast-supported Android device.
Minimum OS requirements are at ²Subscription(s) are required to access certain content. Casting optimised for selected services only. Explore casting with Chromecast. Uppdatera inte sidan.Det gick inte att skapa ett saldokonto i Store. Give your presentations, photos, and documents a bigger screen.

Jason served as Lifehacker's Weekend Editor before he joined How-To Geek. He has over a decade of experience in publishing and has authored thousands of articles at Review Geek, How-To Geek, and Lifehacker. An error occurred while cancelling your delivery. Use your Chrome browser to enjoy videos, photos, music and other content on your TV. Once you have it installed, you’ve poked around the app for a minute or two, and you’ve got a handle on the very simple click-the-icon casting functionality it’s all smooth sailing.Jason Fitzpatrick is the Editor in Chief of LifeSavvy, How-To Geek's sister site focused life hacks, tips, and tricks. Lägsta krav på operativsystem finns på ²Abonnemang krävs för att komma åt en del innehåll. Devices in need of set up are grouped at the top of the screen.
In the first step of the setup process, the app will confirm the temporary identifier assigned to the Chromecast. Trois étapes suffisent pour configurer votre Chromecast. Plug in your Chromecast and it will appear automatically in the Google Home app.

Försök igen senare.Enheterna på Google Play finns nu i nya Google Store.Din beställning behandlas fortfarande. If it doesn’t, make sure your phone’s Bluetooth is turned on.If you have a first generation Chromecast, however, you’ll need to connect to the temporary ad-hoc Wi-Fi network it creates. Depending on which generation of Chromecast you have, the connecting-to bit is a slight different, so pay close attention to the next section.Although the setup process is largely identical for all versions of the Chromecast, there is one big difference between setting up a first generation Chromecast (which is a longer dongle with a thumb-like shape) and the subsequent generations (shaped like discs), so listen closely to save yourself a lot of frustration.The second generation Chromecast and the Chromecast Ultra both support Bluetooth. Mac®, OS X® and iPhone® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the US and other countries.† Free delivery (at the lowest cost option) may be discontinued or changed at any time. Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read more than 1 billion times. Tryck på Cast-knappen i en kompatibel app för att använda dina favoritappar på tv:n. Click one of the buttons below to download the Google Home app on your mobile phone or tablet Ett fel uppstod när köpet bearbetades. Casting har endast optimerats för vissa tjänster. Chromecast is compatible with Apple® and Google devices. Confirm that you see the code by tapping “I See It.”Next, you’ll be prompted to select your region (e.g. 0. The above article may contain affiliate links, which help support How-To Geek.How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. By default it has the randomly generated name (e.g. Follow the steps.