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To view the performance of the rest of the vessels involved in an encounter where the detailed results won't all fit on screen at one time, use the scrollbars on the side of the detailed naval results column. For example convoys have only 0.2 anti air attack, increasing their score by 24. Land fort: Inflicts an attack penalty of -15% for each fort level on the attacker in combat. The damage bonus ranges from +100% (at 100% reliability) and The number of external planes is limited to: * The naval strike target is randomly selected from a weighted distribution. This page serves as a hub, providing a list of the articles which are relevant to naval warfare. The penalty from having 5 means it's the same as having 4, but you have a higher chance of engaging the enemy faster since you have an extra carrier in the fray, do you not? This usually happens after a spotting process is complete or opposing fleets move onto the same province. Guide Index.

Submarines will only target screens when set to High risk engagement rule. Posted by. JavaScript is disabled. The defender always joins the … These aircrafts have longer range and stronger armaments than the “light” aircraft, but consume more manpower, and are not as good at targeting specific units. Lots of effort researching this area that really needs attention so we know what we are doing! Depending on weapon type and enemy screening, only certain enemy groups can be targeted. The chance for this is Otherwise a regular critical occurs without damaging a particular part. Few countries achieved greater destruction of their enemies' military assets; all of them great powers with vastly more resources at their disposal.Another great guide Sterrius! Against non-kamikaze wings the ship's chance to shoot back is (If the attacker performs a kamikaze attack, the ship can always shoot back and its AA attack gets increased by If any planes remain after the ship shot at them, they perform the naval strike.

There is a lot to learn but you can get by even if you are far less than optimal as long as you play a strong country. Naval Guide This guide was made to become the foundation stone of future and better guides. The value of expensive sonar and depth charge equipment would also be reduced in this situation, due to the difficulty of detecting submarines while on the defending side of a battle. Revealing a submarine sets a cooldown after which the submarine will hide again (unless the cooldown gets refreshed). It's an improved and lengthened copy-pasted guide I have wrote earlier merged with another and updated. Spoiler: Ship stats/combat clarification. This will also come with a Naval Guide for each Major later. In the 3.5 years that Finland fought Soviet Russia in WW2, she caused the latter 1.5-2M casualties in killed, wounded or captured, 3-3.5k aircraft shot down or destroyed on the ground, and about the same amount of tanks, 3-3.5k, destroyed. This can only be done for Fighters, Close Air Support and Naval Bombers. Internal resource trade Damaged ships get a linearly increasing weight up to +500% at 0% HP.

but effectively it can't go lower than .1% due to the implementation How does it feel to be strapped into a walking nuke reactor at 6 a.m.? Trade 5. When a new carrier is produced, the planes that will originally be based on it are produced as part of the carrier production line in the naval section using dockyards. When a ship gets targeted by an air wing, it will try to shoot back. Great work compiling this guide! Improved guide to the naval meta. Naval invasion or transferring troops through sea 2. Each fleet consists of one or more task forces, with each task force containing a number of individual ships.Task forces are the most basic unit of ship control available to the player, while fleets serve as a useful grouping mechanism for task forces. Inside of battles ships can behave independently and The ratio of capital ships to carriers and convoys is the Each ship with offensive weapons (i.e. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. For example, a fighter’s strength comes from its high agility, which both helps them to attempt attacks on enemy aircraft and avoid attacks from the enemy.

I have a feeling this is not really explained in depth. dmg randomness = 30% (So if a ship does 10dmg in reality it does between 7-13 dmg). That, and more planes. Generally when creating a variant of an aircraft, it is beneficial to upgrade the category that the aircraft already is dominant in, in order to increase their strengths. If one doesn't intend to use aircraft carriers, then one does not need to research carrier capable planes. not carriers and convoys) and the respective weapons off cooldown can target three enemy ships independently per combat hour; one with its depth charges/light weapons, one with torpedoes, and one with heavy guns. It will produce the most up-to-date models researched. Given the above points, it is viable to use extremely cheap destroyers (Under this scheme, the destruction of enemy submarines would be left to patrol and/or strike forces configured for anti-submarine warfare. This is indicated by the crossed-out eye symbol.

BETA SGp - Save Game Parser - … This is incredibly important for any division that can expect to fight, but particularly so for divisions that use vehicles.

However, there are a few universal themes that work: 1) Submarines are quite powerful. Fleets can range from being vital to impractical in the game depending on what country a player chooses.