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Always a good starting move, play him with or without either of your 1 elixir cards (personal preference). The hog rider is still a very strong win condition today. All clash royale decks analyzed: techniques and tips to push trophies on ladder with your deck!The hog rider deck is one of the first archetypes of clash royale.
Both Prince and Hog Rider are heavy hitters so together they can take down a Tower easily. This was the deck used by Team Liquid to win the Clash Royale World Cup 2019. Cards that counter Hog Rider fully or partially. katakuri87 Rare cards 24 April 2020 24 April 2020 0 Comment. The hog rider deck is one of the first archetypes of clash royale. Play defensive at first and see what cards your enemy has in his deck. The objective is to outpace your opponent! Only use your rocket if you can take out units that cost 5 elixir or more while also hitting their princess tower! The Hog Rider card is unlocked from the Goblin Stadium (Arena 1).He is a very fast building-targeting, melee troop with moderate hitpoints and moderately high damage. The musketeer and cannon provide you with affordable and reliable defense in case there is an offensive push.
However, it requires a specific supporting cast. During the match, the strategy was making use of the snowball/poison combo for 6-elixir crowd control, while the offense is led by Ram-rider and Mega Knight for more DPS and Night Witch for Crowd Spawning (You know, the bats). This time we have two cards from the A second win condition completes the hog in this deck: the rocket.
That’s why he will always be forced to defend him.
In the new meta, the Small troops can also be placed behind the hog rider like bats or goblins. Early game you can start out with a hog rider at the bridge to see how your opponent responds. Take any spell value you can and always counter push. He can be found in fast cycle decks, at low elixir cost. Dimmed card = less effective, but still a counter. If you deploy a Spawners like barbarians or the skeleton army totally stop the hog. Find your new Clash Royale deck now! Fueled by Dark Elixir, these warriors have never known defeat!" You should not rush when using this combo. you’ll be able to cycle back to that hog rider a lot quicker and hopefully out cycle their key defensive units. One of the most popular decks in clash royale is the This feature makes the hog rider deck very strong in There are several effective methods to counter a hog rider deck.Some ground troops are also very effective at defending a hog rider. Princess is one of your key defensive troops in the deck, try to protect her and keep her alive for as long as possible, you want to force your opponent to use a spell against her. The hog rider deck is one of the first archetypes of clash royale. You can also split lane push if you have a good elixir advantage.
Kept up-to-date for the current meta. Always counter push with her and if you don’t need her defensively then make sure you use her on offence. The hog rider is still a very The hog rider can also be deployed in the center to attack an If your opponent ignores the hog, his tower will suffer severe damage. Try to make positive elixir trades on defence then you can cash in on these on offence. Today we have Surg TS on the channel sharing this classic hog princess deck! Don’t over over commit offensively until double elixir.
Mini Pekka Firecracker Best Hog Deck 2020 Arena 10. Summary The Hog Rider is a rugged, dark-skinned man with a mohawk, riding a large hog. Counters to Hog Rider 51 /99. Now this is a fairly high skill cap deck but it is definitely easier to learn than the traditional 2.6 hog deck! "Having tamed the fierce leaping hog, the Hog Rider punishes those who hide behind their puny walls!
Beware however, they can be The bowler and the hunter are also viable options but the best option remains the Then we find the spells that are essential to support your win condition. Hog Rider Combos IV : Prince + Freeze. He is bare-chested, wearing only a brown leather loincloth, a red belt, and a pair of leather sandals. Once you get an Elixir lead and see an opening charge with both of them. This is a chip deck so keep up the pressure with the hog rider throughout the match. This deck has a been around for a couple of years now and works great on ladder or in challenges. It can also be used to kite units into the opposite lane, this works well against pekka, prince, baby dragon, ghost and mega knight. Hog Rider, Goblins & Rage Push: Clash Royale Decks & Strategies. He appears just like his Clash of Clans counterpart; a man with brown eyebrows, a beard, a Mohawk, and a golden body piercing in his left ear who is riding a hog.
Hog Rider. A Hog Rider card costs 4 Elixir to deploy. Mini pekka is your main tank killer, she can also be used to help tank out ram rider, hog rider, battle ram, miner etc.
Due to the lack of high health cards in this deck, it’s not an entirely bad idea to use him as a defensive unit to kite opponent’s troops or delay them a little bit, allowing you to cycle to another card. Double elixir can be fun with this deck because of how fast paced it can be, learn what damage your two spells do when paired together in case you need to spell cycle in overtime. Have your spells ready to help protect these units on offence.