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While the USSOCOM MK23 designation usually applies to the complete system, it is also commonly used in reference to the pistol component alone. The The OHWS pistol had to fire many types of rounds in addition to the +P cartridge and have a long service life with the high pressure ammo. One of the most thoroughly tested handguns in history, the MK23/Mark 23 project originated in 1991 when HK began development for the U.S. Special Operations Command, the organization that directs the activities of America’s most elite military units, including the Navy SEALs and the Army Special Forces.

The Colt was eliminated after phase I, leaving only HK to move on to phase II.

The H&K Mark 23 defeated all competitors after being subjected to the toughest comparative trials of the US Army Special Operations Command. The requirement was for no less than 2,000 MRBF; the HK OHWS averaged 6,027 MRBF and could reach 15,122 MRBF.

One of the most thoroughly tested handguns in history, the MK23/Mark 23 project originated in 1991 when HK began development for the U.S. Special Operations Command, the organization that directs the activities of America’s most elite military units, including the Navy SEALs and the Army Special Forces. In the shooting world, great news travels fast and it wasn’t long before HK released the MK23 to the public in 1996. Three pistols went through a 30,000-round endurance test and maintained accuracy of 2.5 in (64 mm) at 25 meters; only the Even though the Mark 23 had performed admirably, several factors worked against its use. Insight Technology won the contract to produce the laser aiming module, later designated Heckler & Koch has offered the MK 23 on the civilian market and law enforcement as the The models for the U.S. market initially came with a 10-round magazine, to comply with the U.S.

The USSOCOM version of the MK23 came paired with a laser aiming module (LAM) and suppressor.The USSOCOM MK23 was adopted by the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) for special … In spite of its positive points, the MK 23's large size and weight have resulted in some criticism.

The tests which had …

The Mark 23 provides this accuracy without the need for hand-fitted parts common in custom-built match pistols costing thousands of dollars more.

Superior equipment for the best units. The introduction of the smaller and lighter HK USP, political pressures, and shortages of +P ammunition also contributed against the pistol. On May 1, 1996, the first HK MK 23 pistols were delivered to the U.S. Special Operations Command for operational deployment, making the MK 23 the first caliber .45 ACP pistol to enter American military service since the venerable Government Model 1911A1.

In more than 450 accuracy test firings from a precision firing fixture at 25 meters, MK 23 pistols far exceeded the government requirement, averaging 1.44 inches, with 65 groups of less than one inch. The LAM and suppressor were developed by The firearm was tested and found to be capable of firing tens of thousands of rounds without a barrel change.The caliber for the OHWS was quickly decided not to be the NATO standard 124 gr (8.0 g) 9 mm due to lack of stopping power.

Fixed (Open square notch rear sight with contrast points)Fixed (Open square notch rear sight with contrast points) The suppressor is made by Knight's Armament Company, and was selected over the one HK originally included as part of its entry. During testing, MK 23 pistols met the most stringent operational and accuracy requirements ever demanded of a combat handgun. This phase subjected the pistols to the strictest reliability testing any pistol ever went through. About mid-year 1996, the roll mark “MK23 USSOCOM” was replaced with Mark 23. As the The MK 23 MOD 0 was built as an "offensive" handgun for U.S. HK commercially markets the MK 23 and derivatives of it, but not the complete SOCOM system. The Heckler & Koch MK 23, MK 23 MOD 0, Mark 23, or USSOCOM MARK 23 is a semi-automatic large-frame pistol chambered in .45 ACP, designed specifically to be an offensive pistol.

Previous operators were trained to fire multiple 9 mm rounds and they thought firing extra rounds made up for not using harder hitting but larger and heavier .45 ACP rounds. Endurance testing demonstrated a service life of over 30,000 rounds of +P ammunition. To meet the reliability requirement, the pistol had to demonstrate a minimum of 2,000 mean rounds between stoppages (MRBS) with both M1911 ball and +P ammunition. There were four groups of .5 inches, with 5 rounds going through the same hole! All pistols exceeded the 2000 MRBS with an average of 6000 MRBS.

The HK Mark 23 Caliber .45 ACP pistol gives shooters match grade accuracy equal to that of the finest custom made handguns — yet exceeds the most stringent operational requirements ever demanded of a combat handgun. It was adopted under the designation MK23 MOD.O, US SOCOM.