I do.It's nothing a couple of dedicated, over-the-hill soldiers can't handle.You definitely want him on your team at a pub quiz.Honestly, Marshall Nang is pretty much the only person outside of Langley with a shot at decoding that cipher.A Naval Intelligence officer I met a couple years back.We were together for a bunch of years, but, uh, well, these intelligence types, they got a habit of, uh, disappearing on you, you know?I mean, I hope I didn't ruin your day by bringing her up.Hey, Steve, I got a crazy tail on me and they are not being discreet at all.I'm traveling east on Kapiolani, just passed University.They're all over me, Steve. I love you, son. Hawaii Five-0 online dublado, legendado!
Infelizmente, ele não viu um dos capangas e Danny leva um tiro enquanto toda a equipe do Five-0 corre para levá-lo ao hospital.Em sua cama de hospital, Danny repete seu bordão: “se eu ganhasse um dólar por cada vez que você salvou minha vida, eu teria uns 20 dólares”.
Hawaii Five 0 10x22: “She was my girl” (Steve and Lincoln talk about Catherine) - Duration: 2:07. xMultiFandomx 19,953 views. You tell them that, okay?Uh, GSW to the chest. Otherwise there's no deal, all right?You know, I wouldn't put that phone away if I was you.I-I'm five minutes out, right?
All episodes are also available with This article is about the 2010 remake.
h50, hawaii five o, hawaii five 0, danno, mcgarrett # h50 # hawaii five o # hawaii five 0 # danno # mcgarrett. I'll call you back.I want CSU down here dusting this thing for prints, for DNA, anything they can find.Then I want a block by block search done with every available officer in this area.All right? Let's go.
The series is a re-imagining of the original series, which aired on CBS from 1968 to 1980.Like the original series, the show follows an elite state police task force set up to fight major crimes in the state of Hawaii. On July 10, 2013 ahead of the show's fourth season it was announced that Beginning with the second episode of the 2016–17 season, On November 17, 2016, it was announced that Oka who portrays Bergman would be departing the series after the thirteenth episode of the seventh season.On June 30, 2017, ahead of the series's eighth season, it was announced that series regulars Kim and Park would be departing the series due to a salary dispute with CBS. O episódio final faz referência aos primeiros momentos da série, trazendo flashbacks da missão que fez com que John, pai de McGarrett, fosse morto. Então, ele consegue escapar e ainda acaba com quatro guardas. Hawaii Five-0 is an American action police procedural television series that centers around a special police major crimes task force operating at the behest of the governor of Hawaii. Shared. In and out of consciousness. Hey, yo, what's going on, Danny?I need the last 20 minutes of footage from them and any other camera in this area that can see this intersection, okay?Wait, what? Eles se abraçam e dizem que amam um ao outro, reforçando a amizade que tiveram ao longo das dez temporadas.Então, temos as fatídicas palavras: Aloha a Hi Hou. I woke up thinking about Dad. GALLERY. 2:07. Hawaii Five-0 10x22: Steve says goodbye to his Ohana Hawaii Five-0 10x22: Steve says goodbye to his Ohana Hawaii Five-0 10x22: Steve says goodbye to his Ohana. What do I have that's yours?And... don't insult me by pretending you don't know what I'm talking about.Whatever she wants you to do, Steve, don't do it, okay?Don't make the same mistake you made with your father, Commander McGarrett.Don't allow a loved one to die because of your stubbornness.You're not just gonna give her what she wants, are you?Listen, I made the mistake of hesitating when Hector demanded Lincoln.Look, you seem to be forgetting, that situation worked out just fine... we got the woman and her son back.Yeah, we got the woman and her son back because of Lincoln.And it wasn't long ago you told me that very thing.There is no guarantee that even if you give her that cipher, she'll spare Danny's life.I want the geostat data to prove he's where you say he is, and he's alive. Kim and Park had been seeking pay equality with co-stars O'Loughlin and Caan, but did not reach satisfactory deals with CBS Television Studios. Além de deixar seu comentário aqui, no Clube Minha Série você pode compartilhar seu próprio conteúdo e interagir com outros usuários. Hawaii Five-0 10x22 | Piratestreaming in Streaming GRATIS su PIRATESTREAMING, 10x21 - A 'ohe ia e loa'a aku, he ulua kapapa no ka moana
It is a reboot of the 1968–1980 series Hawaii Five-O (the original series had the letter "O" instead of the number "0" in its title), which also aired on CBS. Hawaii Five-0 10x22 "Aloha" Season 10 Episode 22 Promo (Series Finale) - Danny is abducted and badly wounded by Wo Fat’s wife, who is … Para tornar o final mais emocionante, os produtores optaram por mostrar flashbacks dos primeiros episódios e trazer de volta personagens inesquecíveis.De modo geral, o final dos personagens é bastante satisfatório e Danny e Steve têm seus finais felizes após todo o sofrimento. I mean, it's coming up on ten years since he died. Spanish subtitles by … They're up my ass, all right?Was that gunshots?
Beginning with season four, the program was moved to Fridays.The series covers the actions of a small, specialized Among notable guests who made an appearance on show are actors While the Five-0 Task Force take up the case of a stolen list of undercover CIA agents, they cross paths with Thomas Magnum and Juliet Higgins who are investigating the same case. No Clube você pode compartilhar o seu próprio conteúdo sobre esse assunto ou sobre outras séries e filmes. 10x22 - Aloha (Goodbye) 10x22 - Aloha (Goodbye) 04/04/20 03:54. It's okay, buddy, come here.It's all good. Hawaii Five-0 Finale 10x22 Final Scene - Steve Reunites with Catherine on the Plane - Duration: 1:37. It's... it's a long story.Hold on. No, I mean, this crypt was assigned to her after she faked her death.Anyway, I always thought it was empty, uh, I guess I was wrong.Your mother must have hidden something inside of it.Well, whatever it was, it looks like Daiyu Mei's got it now.According to the time code, this happened less than an hour ago.Yeah.