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TuAF F-16 - HAF Mirage 2000 accident (1996) Feel free to discuss anything here - as long as it is F-16 related. [ENG] Weapons Mod for Mirage 2000C, version 2, stable which DCS patch (05/28/2020) . Kevin - So wen are you gong to start the 1:32 KH Mirage 2000? Modeled on HAF Mirage 2000-5 Mk2, I added a few new weapons for Mirage 2000C. A lot of NATO countries can make little "nose on", "nose off" screw ups like this when flying around with combat jets. No decals? Mirage 2000-5 Mark 2 Dassault extended the improvements of the Mirage 2000-5 a bit further with the Mirage 2000-5 Mark 2, which is an enhanced, fully multirole version of the Mirage 2000-5.
The flag photo is I don't know about the Mirage 2000 pilot, but the rescued TUAF backseater of that day is now flying as F/O with Turkish Airlines. Always wanted to do a 1:72 HAF Mirage to accompany my 1:72 HAF Viper. I love Mirage 2000 model builds, not matter what scale and HAF ones leave a lot of room for weathering. Since then, George had the opportunity to capture additional images of the Hellenic Deltas… Modeled on HAF Mirage 2000-5 Mk2, I added a few new weapons for Mirage 2000C.
Still seems to be a lot of confustion on this whole event by some people. Weapons are not useful. It's just added for the look. I picked this up at our club meeting for USD$10, no decals.
No problem. The Spitfire was the most beautiful fighter, and the best fighter, of WW2, and I will take no correspondence on that matter. Last October George Karavantos provided us with some insight into the Hellenic Air Force’s use of the Dassault Mirage 2000. THROUGH THE LENS: Hellenic Air Force Mirage 2000. Take a break and play with some 1:48 ordnance for another build. In addition to the new aircraft, 10 examples from the existing HAF fleet were brought up to 2000-5 Mk.2 standard by Hellenic Aerospace Industry … More in description. Looking forward to your progress. More in description. Photography by George Karavantos. I love Mirage 2000 model builds, not matter what scale and HAF ones leave a lot of room for weathering. If we had a mid-air collision, would you also call it "shot down"? May 19, 2018. I would have taken the shot too. But to say it was an "accident" is a reach. Either the TU AF was executing a good mission plan or there was a mistake on their part or poor or incompetent mission planning.
Features: * Thales RDY-2 radar.
Two countries that shot at each other not too long back and still have territory issues though would be a bad idea. The "it was a mistake" stuff I am sure is for public consumption. 2 hours ago, Dpgsbody55 said: One final word on this.
The "arm" instead of "sim" can make a difference, and is just a wrong position of a switch. Pretty stupid eh?Thats exactly right.
I'll make a final decision when I can see the HUD video w/ audio.
Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 2 guestsFeel free to discuss anything here - as long as it is F-16 related.They never did, the photo is not true. I also have this kit for my HAF collection, however, I am tackling the old Airfix M2000 kit at the moment, so I am looking forward to seeing how you progress with yours.
In February 1995, a TuAF F-16 crashed after being intercepted by Greek Mirage F1s. Certainly ended up being an excellent object lession.
Just as the questionable possible fake photo of the kill marking wasn't created by accident, also it is no "accident" that the Turk AF F-16 was shot down.
Hey I don't have a problem with it. Before I moved a few years back, I had a Monogram kit You need to be a member in order to leave a commentSign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! You think they'd allow a M2000 with a marking like this to fly over aegean? Mod is adding: Weapons Mod for Mirage 2000C, version 2, stable which DCS patch (05/28/2020) .
Better safe than sorry. Looking forward to your progress.