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The southern peninsula splits the two beaches of Had Sadet and Had Thong Reng is the smaller of Thaansadet’s two beaches that form a picturesque double bay, the swimming is not as good as its neighbour, but it is just as beautiful and a bit quieter.Thong Nai Pan Noi is the most popular of the two beaches at Thong Nai Pan, with a bohemian vibe and has a small village with some cool bars and restaurants.Thong Nai Pan Yai is the longer of the two beaches at Thong Nai Pan. Haad Thong Reng North East. It is located directly below the Airport site, As a rule, you will be alone here or only meet a few other tourists. Sea. Thaansadet literally translated means "river of visited by Royals" and it is the place where King Churalongkorn, The Great Rama V came to many times to walk up the wondrous waterfalls and bath in its pools.

The sand is white and huge boulders crown the peninsulas that surround the cove. Haad Thong Reng ist eine kleine Bucht an Koh Phangans Ostküste. There is no accommodation in Thong Reng except for an abandoned resort (which bungalows are inhabited from time to time).

Thaansadet has recently been declared a National Park due to its great historical importance and abundant wildlife Had Sadet is the beach at the estuary of Khlong (river) Thaan Sadet, it is a fairly small beach at the bottom of the river valley flanked by steep green hills. Teep's Mai Pen Rai Bungalows - located in a tropical paradise at Than Sadet Beach on Kho Phangan Thailand. Beach. Halte dich rechts, wenn du die verlassenen Bungalows erreichst und du entdeckst nach ca. Of course, there are no disadvantages or additional costs for you. Haad Thong Reng is a small bay on Koh Phangan's East Coast. The sea is deep enough for year round swimming, thought the waves can be rough. Had Thong Reng is the smaller of Thaansadet’s two beaches that form a picturesque double bay, the swimming is not as good as its neighbour, but it is just as beautiful and a bit quieter. This is one of the reasons we love this beach as it is a secret so well kept, the beach is almost always empty and there are almost no visitors at all. A few minutes walk from Haad Sadet, Thong Reng is the quieter of the two beaches and is a secluded sandy get away. Surrounded on both ends of a huge granite boulders forming a natural pool which is perfect for swimming. Am einfachsten zu erreichen ist dieser Strand über die kleine Brücke am südlichen Ende von Than Sadet. 50 Metern den traumhaft schönen Haad Thong Reng.

This gives me a small commission to finance the blog and to provide you with information free of charge. 200m south of the lovely Than Sadet Beach, here the is both lovely and rustic and here there are enormous palm-trees. The webcam is set at the Seaview Sunrise Resort, from where you can watch this idyllic seaside location as well as the famous and very animated Full Moon Party, which takes place on Sunrise Beach each month. Alternatively, long tail boats from Click on the picture and go directly to the groupAdvertising and affiliate links are placed in the articles on this website. If you want to live nearby, we recommend Through the now completed road to Haad Sadet Thong Reng is also relatively easy to reach by scooter or car. King Prajadhipok, the Great Rama VII also visited as has the current King Bumipol Aduldej, the Great Rama IX. This live HD cam streaming shows you a stretch of the wonderful Haad Rin Beach on the island of Ko Phangan, Surat Thani, Thailand. Haad Thong Reng. The easiest way to reach this beach is via the small bridge at the southern end of Than Sadet, Keep right when you reach the abandoned bungalows and after about 50 meters you will discover the beautiful Haad Thong Reng. Haad Yuan ==> Hotels <== On the south-east coast of Koh Phangan, just north of the noisy and full … Haad Thong Reng is one of the smallest beaches of Koh Phangan, where there is not much going on in the bay of Thong Reng, but this is what makes it appealing.

The resorts are more spaced out and it has no village, as a result it is quieter than its counterpart.Had Sadet is the beach at the estuary of Khlong (river) Thaan Sadet, it is a fairly small beach at the bottom of the river valley flanked by steep green hills.

Haad Rin Beach is on the southern tip of Ko … Haad Thong Reng is hidden in a small secluded bay which will require a little exploration to access. A few minutes walk from Haad sadet , Thong Reng is the quieter of the two beaches and is a secluded sandy get away.