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It embraces an author's phrase, makes use of his expressions, erases a false idea, and replaces it with the right idea.

Other articles where Guy Debord is discussed: Tino Sehgal: …inspired by French Marxist theorist Guy Debord’s treatise about the “construction of situations” (1957). Often, it is suggested that Debord was opposed to the creation of art, however, Debord writes in the Situationist International magazine ("Contre le Cinema") that he believes that "ordinary" (quotidian) people should make "everyday" (quotidian) art; art and creation should liberate from the Debord began an interest in film early in his life when he lived in Cannes in the late 1940s. "In his analysis of the spectacular society, Debord notes that the Debord's aim and proposal is "to wake up the spectator who has been drugged by spectacular images...through radical action in the form of the construction of situations...situations that bring a revolutionary reordering of life, politics, and art". "Cover of the brochure that accompanied an exhibition of photographs from During World War II, the Rossis left the villa and began to travel from town to town. He was a writer and director, known for In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni (1978), Hurlements en faveur de Sade (1952) and Critique de la séparation (1961). Debord published a follow-up book Comments on the Society of the Spectacle in 1988. The book is considered a seminal text for the Situationist movement. Internationale Situationniste No. Guy Debord is everywhere these days, in a suitably clandestine way. Debord's father, Martial, was a pharmacist who died when Debord was young. "This passage concerning plagiarism is itself directly lifted from A number of political theorists have argued that liberal democracy has been overtaken by spectacle. …

"Vie et Mort de Guy Debord". These strategies, including "Debord has been the subject of numerous biographies, works of fiction, artworks, and songs, many of which are catalogued in the bibliography by Shigenobu Gonzalves, "Guy Debord ou la Beauté du Negatif." As a young man, Debord actively opposed the French war in Algeria and joined in demonstrations in Sehgal trained “interpreters” to approach museum and gallery visitors with a comment or a question, in order to engage them not just in talk but in performance. The Society of the Spectacle is a 1967 work of philosophy and Marxist critical theory by Guy Debord, in which the author develops and presents the concept of the Spectacle. He continued to correspond on political and other issues, notably with Lebovici and the Italian situationist Just before Debord's death, he filmed (although did not publish) a documentary, Debord's suicide is as controversial as it is unclear.On 29 January 2009, fifteen years after his death, Guy Debord's best known works are his theoretical books, The Situationist International (SI), a political/artistic movement organized by Debord and his colleagues and represented by a journal of the same name, attempted to create a series of strategies for engaging in class struggle by reclaiming individual autonomy from the spectacle.

The Society of the Spectacle Guy Debord. Debord traces the development of a modern society in which The spectacle is the inverted image of society in which relations between commodities have supplanted relations between people, in which "passive identification with the spectacle supplants genuine activity". 1, June 1958, pages 29-30,Guy Debord, "Reflections of the Death of Gérard Lebovici"Journal Officiel de la Republique Francaise du 12 fevrier 2009 (texte 120)Philippe Sollers "L'antifascisme de Barthes", Le Monde // Hors-Série Roland Barthes, Juillet-Août, 2015 Debord recounted that, during his youth, he was allowed to do very little other than attend films. Debord joined the Lettrists just as Overall, Debord challenged the conventions of filmmaking; prompting his audience to interact with the medium instead of being passive receivers of information. Guy Debord (also known as "Debord Guy") was born in In the early 1960s Debord began to direct the SI toward an end of its artistic phase, eventually expelling members such as Jorn, Gallizio, Troche, and Constant—the bulk of the "artistic" wing of the SI—by 1965. Guy Debord published Society of the Spectacle in the original French in 1967.

His staged interventions existed only in the moment; there…

Having established the situationist critique of art as a social and political critique, one not to be carried out in traditional artistic activities, the SI began, due in part to Debord's contributions, to pursue a more concise theoretical critique of capitalist society along Marxist lines. Progress implies it. «Guy The Bore (Guy "il noioso") è il doppio di Guy Debord, è Debord giunto a un tal grado di autocontemplazione da divenire pura immagine. He was married to Alice Becker-Ho and Michele Bernstein.He died on November 30, 1994 in Bellevue-la-Montagne, Auvergne, France. Guy Debord was born on December 28, 1931 in Paris, France as Guy-Ernest Debord.