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Kommt drauf an wie du Fleiß verstehst. The design removed one of the main battery turrets to save weight; the propulsion system was also increased in power to keep the same speed as the original design. The OKM was aware that the British had settled on a 40.6 cm gun for the proposed The ships' main armor decks were substantially strengthened: the deck was increased in thickness from 120 mm (4.7 in) to 200 mm (7.9 in) and the sloped armor at the edges was thickened from 150 mm (5.9 in) to 175 mm (6.9 in). Ja ich merke was! Destroyer. On 22 January 1915, she and the rest of III Squadron were detached from the fleet to conduct maneuver, gunnery, and torpedo training in the She participated in a fleet advance into the North Sea from 29 until 31 May which ended without combat. Wenn mein Sohn sie vom Forschungbaum  aufruft in seinen Hafen wird die Granatenstreuung ohne Verbesserung mit 297 m angzeigt -----Auf dem Testserver steht auch ohne Verbesserung 297m und wenn man den Plodderraum Aktiviert ist die Streuung runter auf 264 m !!!

The increase in weight, while engine power remained constant, reduced speed to 28.8 kn (53.3 km/h; 33.1 mph). Removed a penalty that reduced the traverse speed of her main turrets. Removed a penalty that reduced the traverse speed of her main turrets. Enhanced Main Battery Guns : ... Gneisenau 8 - Bismarck 9 - Friedrich der Große 10 - Großer Kurfürst.

Cruiser. The range penalty from 20.61km to 18.96km is especially difficult. durch extensive Suche in Büchereien. Enhanced Damage Control System (X MONTANA, Slot 5): Daten: –15 % Nachladezeit der Hauptbatterie –15 % Nachladezeit der Sekundärbatterie –7 % Drehgeschwindigkeit der Haupttürme –8 % maximale Feuerreichweite der Hauptbatterie The ship covered a minelaying operation on 11–12 September off On 24–25 April, Hipper's battlecruisers conducted another Shortly before 16:00 the battlecruisers of I Scouting Group encountered the British 1st Battlecruiser Squadron under the command of By 20:00, the German line was ordered to turn eastward to disengage from the British fleet, commanded by Admiral The heavy fire of the British fleet forced Scheer to order the fleet to turn away; this turn reversed the order of the fleet and placed her toward the end of the line.The High Seas Fleet managed to punch through the British light forces without drawing the attention of Jellicoe's battleships, and subsequently reached Horns Reef by 04:00 on 1 June.Unit training with III Squadron followed from 21 October to 2 November. [DMOK] Ich wollte nur vor Augen führen, wie sich es anfühlt, wenn gemaßregelt wird - auch das steht jedem frei zu tun, aber es trägt eben nicht zu einer friedlichen Kommunikation bei.

Enhanced Damage Control System (Montana, fifth slot) The bonus reducing fire extinguishing time has been decreased from 15 to 10%.

Bonus to the main battery reload time was reduced from 12 to 10%; Bonus to the firing range reduced from +8% to +5%. Der letzte Teil deines Satz ist eine pauschale Unterstellung. Selbe Frage gerne nochmal, denn die verlinkte Seite existiert wohl nicht mehr. Ich fand den Link von Rusher zumindest lustig, keine Ahnung warum man da so dünnhäutig drauf reagieren muss. Following the completion of a new, larger dock at the Kriegsmarinewerft in Wilhelmshaven, work would also be done there. Enhanced Main Armaments (Großer Kurfürst, sixth slot) The bonus reducing the main battery’s reload time has been decreased from 15 to 10%. Enhanced Main Armaments (German Tier X Battleship Großer Kurfürst, Slot 6): Bonus to main battery reload time was reduced from 15 to 10%; Penalty to main turrets traverse speed was removed.

The compass can be divided into 32 points, each corresponding to 11.25 degrees. The staff also prepared a second design, "Scheme B" (H-40B), which retained the fourth turret and accepted a much higher displacement. As the designs for the H-42, H-43, and H-44 battleships were purely conjectural, no actual work was begun.