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You will find a raven circling the statue when you land.Back at the Lake of Nine, row east past frozen icebergs to find a pass that will take you to Volunder Mines. Dock, climb up the cliff, and you'll see one of Odin's Raven. In the area beyond where you killed the Troll in The River Pass you'll come to a ledge overlooking a destroyed village of several huts. The second of the two Odin's Ravens is down the lift - once you step out of the lift, head up the stairs to the upper balcony and look on the ledges of the wall above the window to find the final raven. SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon Look straight south toward a crag of rock that stick up among the cliffs to find a tough-to-spot Odin’s raven hopping around.West of the dragon is a door sealed by runes. You’ll visit the Landsuther Mines to complete the “To collect every item, you’ll have to make (at least) two trips to Helheim. Treasure maps Cut through the weakest link to lower the bridge and make a path forward. Clear it to find a chest beyond and an enemy hiding inside the room. Look toward the southern wall to find the raven perched on a statue.The only Wildwoods raven is in its Hidden Chamber of Odin. You will see an iron gate and one of Odin’s ravens in front of it.Turn west from the shrine and climb up to find a chest. Dock on the beach inside the cave near the Yggdrasil’s dew branch and climb the wall. The last of the two Odin's Ravens is located near the Reaver's Ship, after you defeat the Traveler. Throw your axe into them to find one of Odin’s Ravens hiding behind the wood. If our guide doesn’t appear to get you every item (a chest, for example), there’s a reason for that. SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon To the left of the waterfall is an entryway with 2 goat statues under it. Crouch through the tunnel straight ahead and you’ll arrive in a open area in the woods. You’ll take the first one during the story chapter “You can collect three ravens on your first trip to Helheim.When you return to Helheim with the boy in tow on the worst field trip ever, you can get the final three ravens in this realm.After you get the Magic Chisel as part of the aptly named “Somewhere in most of those Hidden Chambers are five more ravens (after the one Atreus helps you get to in Helheim) — most of the Valkyries have a raven somewhere nearby.So: As you break the sap wall to access the Hidden Chamber, you’ll see a raven on your right.
You will see one of Odin’s ravens perched on it.After the water has been lowered the second time, you will be able to reach new locations on the Lake of Nine. Look up to the left of the chest to find the three rune chimes to hit on a pillar (one is at the back of the pillar), as well as a raven to take out on top of the pillar.Head to the northern end of the island and find the gold gates that led to the passage to Veithurgard. We’re going to present these a little out of order. Keep moving until you climb down a pair of big stone pillars to the icy floor below. Eventually, you will hit a large cavern with a wooden bridge and Draugr and and a Revanant to fight.
From where you took out the projectile-throwing Draugr, look just above along the ridge to spot a glowing green raven. Odin is keeping his eyes on you in God of War -- all 51 one of them, in the form of his spectral ravens, which are the biggest group of collectibles in God of War. Look up for a raven circling the nearby pitYour next trip to the Witch’s Cave will find the door to her house closed, and you need to climb up a wall path to get outside through a well. When you reach it, look up to the north to spot one of Odin’s ravens.turn immediately left so you’re facing north. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story. Look for a raven perched on top of it. SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon Inside the main lake in Veithurgard, row to the left and you can see the back of the statue of Upon arriving at the main shore of Veithurgard, head up to the imprisoned dragon. There are a total of 5 Odin's Ravens that are hiding in this region. Clear the draugr and then look up and left on the path ahead to find one of Odin’s ravens. Down the trail from Sindri's shop when first entering Konunsgard, on the left there is a poisonous cloud and its source. Follow the path beyond until you hit a drawbridge, then look off the side to find one of Odin’s ravens.You will eventually circle back to the altar that magically binds the dragon. The last of Odin's Ravens in this area can be found behind the Hidden Chamber of Odin. God of War Valkyrie Queen - How to Defeat Queen SigrunGod of War Muspelheim - Tips for Trials and ChallengesGod of War Muspelheim - Tips for Trials and ChallengesGod of War Niflheim - Quests, Maze, and Items Guide This counts as the fifth raven in the Riverlands’ raven count.From Light Elf Outpost, you can now head into a cave on the east side of Forgotten caverns.
Look up above it for one of Odin’s ravens circling. This is a little misleading. Take the elevator down to the anteroom outside of where the Valkyrie is normally found (in this chamber, it’s a Realm Tear instead). SIE Santa Monica Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment via Polygon It can be hard to hit at your location, so head up the nearby ledge towards Vanaheim Tower to get a better arc on your axe throw to destroy it. This will lead to a spot you can climb up to where the Hel- Walkers actually were. We’ll focus on the ravens you’ll come across while following the main story first, then deal with the rest the ones you can find around the Lake of Nine.