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wo Katharina und so für den Lauf ausgewählt werden. Das Teil hier macht Spass!!!

Genre GNTM Comment by Tooshort Connected. This week's "World of Topmodel" job is in Dubai and three girls fly over, one being handicapped with bruised knees injured during the helicopter shoot just before leaving. Vanessa wins this job and shoots a campaign for the brand. Flying over to Paris, the girls compete again, this time for participation in Wolfgang Joop's Wunderkind runway show. A choreographer instructs them in doing some basic routines. Du willst die 10. The day following the finale, it was announced that the new pre-recorded finale would air on 28 May. Then, three are flying over to New York for a Fashion Week casting (World of Topmodel).

Jüli is saved with having one more vote than Sandy. Hier gibt's alle ganzen Folgen! The girls do training for cover shoots with having one high fashion and a body shot. Now that the full Double Masters previews are almost upon us, and you can get all the dates and preview outlets right here.

The episode ends with the obligatory "live walk", the challenge here is the catwalk is suspended between a stack of sea shipping container, 42 ft above ground. Back in L.A. the troupe is being coached for an upcoming shoot with Kristian. W/JELLY - Duration: 22:44. Gntm 2015 Models.