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This is a whole-day trip. Walking through the reserve animals you may see include monkeys, antelopes, monitor lizard along with the convention project where there are hyenas and Baboons.

A great opportunity to take photos! In Makasutu you will be learning about the different plants and trees as well as the traditional uses for them.

Explore the creek in a canoe (30 -40 mins) and roam the palm forest for 1 or 1 1/2 hrs with chances of wildlife sightings.

During this multi-day tour we discover the center and east of the Gambia river.

And the peace of the river is total.Next day we set sail westwards again, continuing our course downriver to the town of Tendaba on the Gambia’s southern bank. We've put together 100 wildlife trips across all seven continents, from long weekends in Finland to epic Polar expeditions. The spacious open deck boat is an ideal fishing platform and has a 30-foot shade so we can fish from the shade or in the sun, as we choose. Compact yet varied, New Zealand is all about the great outdoors. We set out to get under the skin of the 130 destinations that we visit, from Egypt to Jamaica and from Bolivia to Japan.

Each has a pillow, blanket and sheet and, best of all, an individual mosquito net, essential in this part of the world where not only malaria but Zika are still huge problems. We then continue to the Museum of Slavery which gives a good insight into what slavery was all about in The Gambia.

To get there from the boat, we take a bush taxi, a local minibus of ancient and dilapidated construction. Set your own pace, choose when and where you stop, and enjoy the challenge of navigating yourself. The Wassu Stones, constructed around 1200 years ago, are stone megaliths believed to be an ancient burial ground. Quickly access bookings. A small museum provides a more scientific explanation.Back on the boat, our on-board cook, Jammeh, has been busy preparing a lunch of butter fish curry and rice, which is so delicious most people head back for refills. An optional Lion Walk of about 30mins if available for those who dare to take part (paid locally). A few hours’ drive eastwards along good roads, we arrive at our home for the night, a camp of thatched huts at Camp Jang Bureh just across the river from Georgetown, from where we will board our boat the next morning. We make unscheduled stops such as a primary school visit, traditional family compound and also to observe the varieties of chattering monkeys' and many exotic and colorful birds.We drive close to the beach where you will enjoy buffet lunch and relaxation before PALM WINE compound where you will learn how palm wine is "tapped" and will also be offered some wine to sample. This town is the main crossing over the Gambia river in this part of the country.

An experience you will not forget from a qualified birdwatching.Our mini " Taste of The Gambia" begins with a visit to the katchikally Crocodile Pool Bakau . On our return journey, if time permit, we will stop to sample the palm wine. Turning our back on the Gambia River for one last time, it has truly been a trip that dreams are made of.I paid for this trip personally, and this post is not sponsored in any way. Lunch in the wild and drinks are available to buy during the day at the park. Check out our flexible cancellation policies and We're creating your account. Tour Highlights: ♦ Djoudj - one of the most important bird sanctuaries in the world.

Do scenic boat cruises along the major Gambia River, stop at the original Georgetown, see the Senegambia stone circles of Gambia and tour the Janjanbureh Island during this Gambia tour. Lunch at Kalagi riverside lodge . My Gambia travel was on a group trip organised by Explore! Please bring along your swim suite for the use of the swimming pool (if in use at the time)Experience the real Gambia in a day adventure with unscheduled stops to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the urban and rural life of the smiling coast . These experiences are best for tours in Banjul: Multi days Trip Senegal and the Gambia 8 days 7 nights; Bijilo Forest park; City of banjul tour, museum, old building and the arch 22 Our small group adventure holidays have been running since 1981. The South Gambia-tour is for people who are interested in seeing something more than the tourist areas. A Gambian buffet lunch and display of a Jola cultural dancing tops the Day !Training the Gambian way by the beach has been inherited from my ancestors and is a big part of my life. Meet with some locals who use the forest to practice their trade or culture, such as the fortune teller and the palm wine tapper. All washed down with hearty food and world-class wines.Adventure doesn't have to take you out of your comfort zone; from activities like zip-wiring in Costa Rica, to tasting local dishes in Italy and staying with local families in Peru, there's a little adventure to be found on all our travels.Our walking and trekking holidays take you closer to your destination.

Our visit in April coincides with the end of the season, and when we arrive at the factory it is not in operation; vast warehouses are full of peanuts waiting for the barges which will transport them downriver to Banjul for processing. This town is the main crossing over the Gambia river in this part of the country.