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I didn't anticipate it taking quite so long to actually happen but it seems … There is no denying that I have neglected my blog. Tags: clothes , fall , finished , french navy , Jo-Ann , Joann Fabrics , linen , pants , partner , pattern review , sewing , stash-busting , style You're gonna scroll down and look at the pictures right? French Navy (1) Hauts (3) Ivanne S. (1) Jupes (1) La Maison Victor (2) Louis Antoinette (1) Ma Garde Robe Capsule 2017 (2) Maillots de bain (1) Make my Lemonade (5) Pantalons & Shorts (1) Papercut Patterns (1) Pattern Hacking (4) Robes (7) Sew My Style 2019 (3) Sew Over It (1) Vestes & Manteaux (3) Join 500 other followers Follow . I’ve learned over the years that most people are fine on their own and don’t really want to be “helped”. The pattern includes pant, shorts, and skirt options. Long time, no talk. *I had hoped to take some photos to accompany this pattern release, but I have found it really difficult to find the time to do so and I don’t want to delay it any longer. I like to size down one size if I intend wearing the t-shirt with super high pants like theSo, without any further ado. ... French Navy, sewing, sewing pattern, The Astair Tee. French Navy sent me a complimentary copy of this pattern without requirement of a review or post of any kind. Clapper Love and it’s Joys 4 months ago ... Miss Leah Wilde's Sewing Blog. August 27, 2019 by Tori Leave a Comment. I happen to have a small waist, but a pooky tummy. I hope to update with photos soon, but in the meantime you can search #thestellantee hashtag to get a general idea of the fit.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. SEWING; ABOUT; CONTACT; NEWSLETTER; French Navy The Astair Tee.

Blog at This is a list of active French Navy ships. Follow on . A modern take on the basic T-shirt, the Stellan Tee has a boxy, slightly cropped fit, proportionally long sleeves (super cute when rolled up) and a subtly curved hemline.

... un patron gratuit de la créatrice sud-africaine French Navy (son compte instagram Frenchnavynow). Orla is a versatile, everyday dress with a semi-fitted bodice and a flattering, slightly raised waist. I recently made the Stellan Tee again (with some adjustments), and tried to make it look like the tees from Madewell or this tee … I snagged the Allegro pattern from Love Notions a couple months ago with the intent of making this exact skirt, and I’m SO glad that I did! Fabric Details For those … I am a huge fan of French Navy patterns after making The Stellan Tee and The Orla Dress (both FREE patterns! The sewing blog for modern makers sharing tutorials and stylish makes. See more ideas about Sewing blogs, Sewing, Blog. Maker Style Cart 0. To help nudge me along, I volunteered for some pattern testing. They now sit mid-pook, and I like them much better. Polien is a style & travel … I’m coming at you today, writing this blog post wearing my new jeans!! The French Navy consists of the 87 vessel strong Force d'action navale (Naval action force) and the 9 submarines of the Forces sous-marines (Submarine force). My family was happy when I found a “helper” day-job where I could funnel all of that helper energy into other people in an appropriate way. I didn’t anticipate it taking quite so long to actually happen but it seems that, despite my best intentions to release it last year, 2018 had other plans.The first version of this pattern came about a few years ago as a solution to my struggles in styling my ever growing collection of high-waisted pants and shorts. Its just a simple t-shirt, nothing fancy, but hopefully as useful to you as it has been to me. I’ll try to pace myself in the future. French Navy Patterns (3) Handbags (1) Jackets & Coats (3) Jumpsuits (1) Pattern Hack (4) PDF Patterns (3) Sewing (14) Trousers (3) Tutorials (2) Uncategorized (1) Follow Blog via Email. The last post I published having accompanied my pattern release some release some 7 months ago (yikes, where did all those months go?!). I am still slightly in shock that I actually did it and that they fit! So when I got an email a couple of weeks ago informing me of another collaboration between these two, I wasted no time in checking it out. I lengthened it by 3″, but with mid-rise pants, it still just wasn’t quite long enough for my … French Navy Patterns (3) Handbags (1) Jackets & Coats (3) Jumpsuits (1) Pattern Hack (4) PDF Patterns (3) Sewing (14) Trousers (3) Tutorials (2) Uncategorized (1) Follow Blog via Email. After listening to Episode 09 of The Wild Stitch's ever inspiring Maker Style Podcasts a… Style Maker Fabrics has such an amazing variety of fabrics this season, and I’m completely convinced that I grabbed the best two.