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Taking children on a plane trip does not have to be a difficult endeavour.

You can also confirm if the secure session certificate belongs to ANA, Aeroportos de Portugal, SA, by checking the information in the window which opens after clicking on the padlock);-  To ensure that the browser is closed before leaving the computer unattended;-  To make sure that the computer or computer network used to access All intellectual property rights related with the information made available on this website, including but not limited to text contents, headlines, photos, images, moving images, pictures, names, logotypes and brands, belong to ANA or to possible licensees. To do so, the user must expressly indicate this by selecting the corresponding option on the service application form.For the above mentioned purposes and in order to provide the services, the users’ personal data may be processed by ANA or on its behalf by processors.In such case, these processors are obliged to provide sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures in such a manner that processing will meet the legal requirements and ensure the protection of the rights of the data subject, namely with regard to security and confidentiality.The personal data we collect will not be transmitted to third parties without the express consent of the data subject, except when the requested service so requires, in which case ANA will request these third parties to use appropriate technical and organizational measures to fulfil the legal requirements and ensure the protection of the rights of the data subject, namely with regard to security and confidentiality.When needed, and in order to meet its legal obligations, ANA may allow legal, public security, tax or regulatory authorities to access the users’ personal data.Personal data will be stored for no longer than necessary for the purpose for which the personal data were processed, notwithstanding data retention periods provided for by the law.Users have the right to request that ANA allows them access to their personal data, and acknowledges their right to its portability, rectification and erasure. Read more The website of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH containing comprehensive information on Berlin-Tegel Airport (TXL) to the north-west of Berlin city centre. Find the perfect flughafengebaude stock photo. The amount of the voucher will not be reimbursed.Before you leave the park, you should present the ticket collected when you entered, together with the booking voucher and identification document, at the manual payment cashier.

Later cancellations and reschedules shall not be refunded.To cancel the booking, clients should contact our services through the following e-mail address:  If the booked services will not be used, for reasons beyond the responsibility of ANA, there will be no refund.The non-use or partial use of the voucher does not entitle the client to a total or partial refund of the amount of the booking.ANA is committed to ensuring the privacy and protection of the personal data of all those who relate with ANA, namely users of the website Our efforts must be supplemented by a responsible approach on the part of users in order to protect their personal data.-  To refrain from sharing their username or password;-  Not to make a note of the password or username in easy access places (diary, computer, etc.

Similarly, ANA shall not be liable by the services and/or products offered by third parties through this website.The agreement between the user and ANA, based on these terms and conditions, shall be governed and interpreted according to Portuguese law.The user irrevocably and unconditionally agrees to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the judicial circuit of Lisbon, with regard to this agreement.ANA – Aeroportos de Portugal, S. A.

You have an efficient public transportation network that ensures a quick and comfortable arrival at your destination.At the airport you will find the best car rental companies in the world, to get you going once you arrive. Such actions are not allowed without the previous consent of ANA or the above mentioned possible licensees.Nevertheless, the user is authorised to download and/or print out the information for private and non-commercial purposes. Find all information here. Travel Market Cafés & Restaurants This is …