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From April 7, check-in processes for all … In March … According to Dubrovnik Airport the BA2680 flight from London has only 26 passengers on board and … Land borders are open, ... – VERY helpful indeed! Dubrovnik Airport facing a challenging year - Photo Mark Thomas 

None of the major coastal airports - Split, Dubrovnik, Zadar and Pula - have been affected. In fact, these charter flight only had departing passengers. Check with airlines or the airport and border authorities for current updates. The plane from London was due to land at 10.15 but actually arrived 20 minutes earlier, possibly due to the empty skies and runways.

I imagine that by then the rules about non-EU residents will be formalised, but good to know that email … Zahvaljujući svom poslovnom pristupu, Zračna luka Dubrovnik je zadobila povjerenje uglednih partnera s kojima ostvaruje uspješnu suradnju. And British Airways was indeed the only international airline to bring passengers to the city today. With four other international flights cancelled. The coronavirus pandemic closed Dubrovnik Airport in March and after almost two months it reopened for domestic flights when Croatia Airlines started resuming some of its air travel operations within Croatia in May with flights from Zagreb.Today, Latvia’s flag carrier airBaltic was the first to international flight since the shutdown to touch down when flight BT497 landed from Riga just before 5:30 p.m with 95 passengers on board, including one baby.A number of international airlines are scheduled to fly to Dubrovnik starting in June and July, including Air France from Paris,  How the Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the frailties of Dubrovnik’s tourismCoronavirus Croatia – 28 new cases of Covid-19 in Croatia as numbers continue to fallCoronavirus Dubrovnik – no new cases of Covid-19 in Dubrovnik-Neretva County – only one person hospitalisedNautical sector in Croatia reaches 75 percent of last year's July numbersVIDEO – Sea turtle saved in Cavtat after being entangled in buoysCoronavirus: Dubrovnik Airport facing life in the front line as airlines cancel flightsThe middle of March would normally see the early openings of the tourist season in And tourism and travel is certainly at the sharp end of the The low-cost airlines, Ryanair and EasyJet, have grounded the vast majority of their fleets. I am an Australian/New Zealand national, currently in Italy and have booked accommodation in Dubrovnik for three months from late August. The London flight wasn’t the only international flight, although it was the only one with passengers on board, as two charter flights from Freebird Airlines Europe also landed at the airport but according to reports in local media without any passengers on board. The largest travel company in the world, TUI, have stated that they will “suspend the majority” of their operations. The transatlantic airlines have followed suit, with Virgin asking staff to take eight weeks’ unpaid leave and Norwegian Air has cancelled thousands of flights and laid off 7,500 workers. Dubrovnik Airport facing a challenging year - Photo Mark Thomas . A further Freebird flight was cancelled.In the next three days, Dubrovnik Airport expects even less traffic, so tomorrow, apart from Croatia Airlines and Trade Air, which will fly domestic destinations only Aegean Airlines will fly to Athens. According to Dubrovnik Airport the BA2680 flight from London has only 26 passengers on board and all passengers were checked by border inspectors. One of the few international airlines that still operate to Dubrovnik, British Airways, are also cutting 75 percent of capacity.And British Airways was indeed the only international airline to bring passengers to the city today. Imati visoko motivirano, profesionalno, odgovorno i lojalno osoblje visoke produktivnosti rada važan je preduvjet kvalitetnog poslovanja. There is no hiding the fact that this will be a difficult tourist season in Europe and elsewhere for economies which are dependent on foreign visitors. Following those rumours, the mayor of Dubrovnik, Mato Franković, informed the public he felt obligated to write to the British prime minister Mr Boris Johnson with the intention of clarifying the situation.

The decision to travel is an individual one, and it is best made with a clear view of the facts. Latest travel advice for Croatia, including how to stay safe during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and information on returning to the UK.

The same day, the second case related to the first one was confirmed. The sun is shining. The parking garage at T2 will also be temporarily closed to passengers. Pristina airport is open. The plane from London was due to land at 10.15 but actually arrived 20 minutes earlier, possibly due to the empty skies and runways. Snaga Zračne luke Dubrovnik su njegovi zaposlenici.

In response to reduced passenger traffic caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, Frankfurt Airport will bundle all passenger handling operations in Terminal 1, effective April 7.