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Take advantage of the following benefits: Select your route. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Welcome to Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport, terminal 2G. Hilfe. • Um zu Terminal 2G zu gelangen, nehmen Sie den Pendelbus Nr. Choose one of two taxi services:For children ages 4 to 10, Disney-themed gaming areas are available, equipped with interactive toys, games, and a TV corner with cartoons and soft seats.PlayStation gaming areas and spinning tables for multitouch games can be found in the sterile area at all terminals.Working hours: Open daily depending on flight schedule.

Description: This map shows terminal, gates, public area, baggage claims, car rental, information points, toilets, shops, restaurants, bars in Terminal 2G (Charles de Gaulle Airport).

They are easily identified by the lights on the roof of the car and the meters inside. from landlines in mainland France. For security reasons, it is recommended to use only taxi services from special parking areas and not to accept offers from people who approach you at the airport building. Fahrzeugvermietung Parken Taxi ... Kontaktieren Sie uns. After flying with Air France, why not continue your journey behind the wheel of a Hertz rental car?

Terminal 2 was originally built exclusively for Air France ; [7] since then it has been expanded significantly and now also hosts other airlines. Die Entfernung zum Stadtzentrum beträgt 26 km. ANFAHRT . Der Flughafen Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle ist vor Paris-Orly der größte internationale Verkehrsflughafen der französischen Hauptstadt Paris sowie mit etwa 76,2 Millionen Passagieren im Jahr 2019 der zweitgrößte Passagierflughafen Europas nach London-Heathrow. This is the largest airport in France, named after the first president of the Fifth Republic, a French military and political figure Charles de Gaulle. French law states that CDG airport is a smoke free airport.

Related pages > Guide for Connecting passengers > Airport maps. Air France Lounge (Temporarily Closed) at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG), Terminal 2G. There are three terminals, connected by a free train.

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Hotels in Paris-Charles de Gaulle. Paris – Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport – Terminal 2G back. Paris vous aimes magazine . from 8a.m to 8p.m. For more information, please read the Air France Connections at Paris-Charles de Gaulle and at Paris-OrlyIntercontinental / Caribbean / Indian Ocean flightsFlights in France and departing from French regionsIntercontinental / Caribbean / Indian Ocean flightsFlights in France and departing from French regionsBlueBiz, the program for small and medium-sized businesses Open a new window Ankunft/ Verlassen vom Flughafen Paris-Charles de Gaulle: • Terminals 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F sind über Rollteppiche zugänglich. Bus stops are located near terminals 1, 2A and 2C, 2E and 2F, 2D and 3.In terminals 1, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2E and 2F you will find racks of the following car rental agencies: Adventage, Alamo, Avis, Badget, Dollar, Enterprise, Europcar, Hertz, National, Sixt, Trifti and TT Car Transit.The following means of transport carry passengers free of charge throughout the airport:Official licensed taxi services operate from special parking areas outside the baggage claim areas at the exits of terminals 1, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G and 3. Charles de Gaulle International Airport, also known as Roissy — Charles de Gaulle Airport is located 25 km north-east of the city of Paris in the Ile-de-France region.

Afin de vous protéger, Paris Aéroport a mis en place des mesures exceptionnelles afin de garantir à tous les passagers au sein de ses terminaux un voyage en toute sécurité. Das Abfertigungsgebäude besteht aus einem runden Zentralbau, der über Tunnel mit sieben Satelliten verbunden ist, die auf dem Vorfeld um den Bau angeordnet sind.

Away from the bustle of the airport, Air France lounges offers a space to work in tranquility, … Find all the practical information you need to reach or book a hotel closest to your flight! Paris-Charles de Gaulle (Roissy) Airport is a sprawling, busy transport hub that lies 23km north-east of Paris.

Hertz has been a partner of Air France for nearly 30 years, allowing us to offer our customers an exclusive service.

Easy access to Paris-CDG airport: public transport, direct traffic, taxis, etc.