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At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in The Dark Lord's rebellion occurred with the help of his Voldemort's first defeat took place on 31 October, 1981 at the hands of an infant The pure-blood Gaunt family, Voldemort's maternal familyThe First Wizarding War had its roots planted when Over time, Riddle grew obsessed with discovering his magical ancestry. Why would the “First Wizarding War” be called this, when it clearly wasn’t the first? His brother was nothing more than a blood traitor.

Harry gained a lightning bolt scar where the Killing Curse had bounced back. The First Wizarding War was the first of two wars that took place in wizarding Britain, beginning with Lord Voldemort's ascendancy and ending with his sudden downfall. It's time to fulfill the prophecies, prepare Hogwarts for battle, and take down Lord Vold...You were interested in Regulus Black, not his brother. The First Wizarding War was a major conflict with foundations as early as the 1940s, but officially beginning in 1970 and ending abruptly in 1981. However, there was another friend, who tried to mend the bond, which was torn by pride. Add to library 1,138 Discussion 1,474. Now, their days of innocence are fading as they are forced to stand against the evil wanted to corrupt the Wizarding World. "Gellert — Your point about wizard dominance being FOR THE MUGGLES' OWN GOOD — this, I think, is the crucial point. Before the Death Eaters themselves came to be, Tom Riddle, as Voldemort was known in his childhood and early adulthood, gathered a gang of Slytherin students who considered themselves his friends, though in truth, he felt no real attachments to any of them due to his lack of desire for a true friend.According to former Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore, they were a mixture of the weak seeking protection, the ambitious seeking … A piece of Voldemort's soul broke off and latched on Harry, and he was turned into a Horcrux.

The event known as the First Wizarding War was a major conflict with foundations as early as the 1940s, but officially beginning in 1970 and ending abruptly in 1981. The First Wizarding War was the first of two wars that took place in wizarding Britain, beginning with Lord Voldemort's ascendancy and ending with his sudden downfall. The First Wizarding War ended abruptly with the defeat of Lord Voldemort on Hallowe'en in 1981. It … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Dark Lord's insurgency was supported by his Death Eaters, a … In response to this brutal onslaught, Barty Crouch issued an edict giving Aurors permission to employ the During the worst days of the war, James and Lily Potter lived in There were two possible candidates, both born in July of 1980 to members of the Voldemort arrives at Godric's Hollow intending to murder infant HarryComplicating Voldemort's plan, Snape still harboured Although Voldemort's body was destroyed, he did not die because his Horcruxes enabled him to survive, albeit as a powerless mangled soul. Where we are opposed, as we surely will be, this must be the basis of all our counter-arguments. Sirius was captured by Aurors and sentenced to life in Azkaban. Little is known of his activities during this period, though he explored the Voldemort wearing a hooded cloak during the First War, as a possible means to invoke fearIn the wider British wizarding world, the early actions of the Death Eaters were almost totally unknown, and the With many Death Eaters occupying strategic positions within the Ministry of Magic itself, they used blackmail and the In response to the growing threat of Lord Voldemort and his minions, Albus Dumbledore formed the The nascent Order initially had very little success, and terror and chaos gripped the populace of wizarding Britain to the point that many began to fear to speak Voldemort's name. There, he tried to gain physical form by briefly possessing the bodies of Having hidden Voldemort's wand to prevent it from falling into Ministry hands, Pettigrew scurried all the way to With dark forces having terrorised the wizarding communities of Great Britain for over a decade, claimed thousands of victims, and scarred, bereaved, and traumatised countless others, the survivors of the war began to rebuild. Under the leadership of Dumbledore, Hogwarts remained a bastion of magical education. Under the leadership of Dumbledore, Hogwarts remained a bastion of elite-supreme magical education and was left totally untouched by the Death Eaters.