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there are no settings in audio other than DD, pcm 2 channel, or best available…Does anyone know how to gain acess to any hidden settings, to enable multichannel pcm? For instance, you are watching a movie, and all of a sudden, the Fire Stick Sound Stopped Working. Seriously!?!
There could be many reasons for the issues.
I did have to click on the “Effects” button of my soundbar Samsung HW-K950 to trigger ATMOS. looking for workaroundsI just want multichannel pcm ,either 5.1 or 7.1 out from the firestick 4k….I dont want the sound stream transcoded to DD+ , just pure pcm.. isnt this possible? The issue did not seem to affect other services like Netflix and HBO, and also wasn’t limited to a specific software version.
So it should work just fine. You can also use the My recommendation, get an Xbox One S. More options for UHD content in other apps and UHD Blu Ray. It has the latest update (just updated last night Sept7) and I have restarted the device. Now it appears the issue originated from Amazon’s servers, which would explain why even those who blocked software updates and were on older versions of Fire OS were also experiencing the issue.haven’t you got reports of loosing 4k video playback ? You can have one but not both.Why not plug the FireTV directly into the soundbar instead of relying on ARC? I have samsung K-950 soundbar. It is DD+ Lossy but still atmos.
I would greatly appreciate it.Anyone ever found a reason why Amazon makes it so complicated to find the UHD Versions? Good to know they addressed it on the Fire TV.It appears the “fix” is not at all straightforward. Please allow some time to resolve this issue.”Just purchased a new Fire TV today and upgraded the latest version.
Unfortunately, Amazon complicates things by having separate listings for Ultra HD versions of their content and 1080p versions of their content. They did not.I ask if you have any contacts at Amazon please relay my message to them. I also have HDMI CEC Device Control on.These are the updated settings after a recent system update from a few weeks ago.Good luck. If your Fire TV Stick device is connected to an Audio-Visual receiver, make it a habit to make sure that the receiver is turned On or check the Settings of the Audio-Visual Device and make sure there is nothing wrong with it. I’m not sure I even heard anything coming out if them while watching Jack Ryan (opening scene with the plane attack)What a pain but it does work. They also said I need two HDMI from the FireTV; one to the soundbar and one to the tv. It was there in the beginning, some update fixed it for months, another update brought it back.
Jack Ryan on my LG Oled through WebOS confirms Atmos and Dolby Vision. It isn’t elegant but I’ve hooked up my laptop via HDMI cable and it does work.For Amazon Prime, with Fire TV (pendant), still no luck… no ATMOSI have an hw-k950 samsung soundbar and a nvidia tv. As UHD and Atmos become more ubiquitous, I’m sure they’ll merge the content together into a single entry.
The last thing they said was the FireTV doesn’t output Atmos…. I do not know whether is it a backend issue, or a true Bug that crept up.I have tried rebooting to no avail. A lot of AV receivers (mine included – an Onkyo 676 only have speaker posts for 7 channels + subwoofer rather than 9 for a full 7.1.2 setup. Our best minds are working on it. Seriously!?! Play the best stream quality the connection allows up to but not exceeding the resolution of the screen.My Onkyo TX-NR676 is showing dolby atmos from my C7P ARC output. The last thing they said was the FireTV doesn’t output Atmos…. I finally got it to where it said Atmos on the receiver but I didn’t hear any difference on my Onkyo add on front speakers.
Heck, maybe I’ll try that, though I don’t usually pay attention to the TV settings since it’s all through the soundbar…I have Onkyo atmos HTIB system,hooked FTV 3rd gen directly to the receiver. My receiver is atmos capable and I have successfully listened to atmos through other sources.After chatting with Amazon technical support, they explained the issue,“I’m sorry, due to technical issue Dolby atmos isn’t currently working and we’re aware of it.
Jack Ryan is playing in 4K HDR but I only get 5.1 audio. Xbox is simulating the height channels. The With compatible streaming equipment, you’ll then need to ensure that you’re watching the correct listing for the series.
The Settings Audio is set for automatic Dolby Digital Plus. $17.90 $ 17. I guess that may be the ARC issue.So I purchased a HDMI splitter for like $35 but haven’t opened the package yet. Fire TV cube pushes HDR while WebOS pushes Dolby Vision. My AVR is not Atmos capable but I do have a 7.1 speaker set up which still takes advantage of the Atmos signal from BluRay discs.Does the Fire TV Atmos option only show up if it is connected to an Atmos AVR?In another forum someone with a pre-Atmos AVR is getting the Atmos option with their Fire TV device.Well….. After spending around half an hour searching it looks like in the UK we only get the 1080 version which seems a bit of a con !Richard, Can you please let me know where you found the UHD Version of Jack Ryan as for the life of me I can’t find it !I have a samsung soundbar with Atmos and the FireTV dongle connected to it through HDMI.