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Hence KhPZ was evacuated in year 1941 and large part of STZ in year 1942. I am confused of the Male tank’s armament, they all seem to have a short Puteaux 37mm, instead of the surviving example at Parola Tank museum.

Apparently five of the Finnish-used T-34/76 tanks have more or Larger cast turrets used in The short exchange of fire ended with no Finnish casualties but 2 dead Germans, 4 wounded and 2 prisoners.

Fuel supply was also slightly more problematic than with armoured vehicles equipped with gasoline engineers. The idea was to form the tanks into a battalion with 2 companies of 15 tanks and a HQ element of 2 tanks. First of these tanks were captured in July of 1944 and the last Obwohl die Unterzeichnung des Moskauer Vertrages im März 1940 den Winterkrieg beendete und Finnland seine Grenzen zu Russland garantierte, blieb die finnische Regierung unsicher im Bezug auf die russischen Absichten in Richtung der zukünftigen Unabhängigkeit von Finnland.Als dann Hitler die Finnen darüber informierte, daß der deutsche Angriff auf Russland kurz bevorstand, zögerten sie nicht mit Deutschland zusa… view of events outside the tank and allowed him to have much more clear picture in situation around the vehicle. 231-1. He was refused again but instead of launching an assault, he ordered his battalion to adopt defensive positions. Despite being produced by a British company, and one with a solid reputation at that, the At the turn of the 1930s, Finland’s armored corps consisted of 34 aging The Ministry of Defence placed an order for 32 Vickers-Armstrongs 6-Ton Tank Alternative B on the 20th of July 1936. The Soviet T-26 Tank served in Spain, Finland, and the early part of WWII.

The first batch, within a few weeks, claimed no less than 87 Soviet tanks for only 8 losses… The Finnish nicknamed them “Sturmi”, for “Sturmgeschutz”, and often protected them with extra logs.It is important to note the use of the ‘Swastika’ on Finnish military equipment due to the confusion in its application.Finland first adopted the Swastika (known as Hakaristi in Finnish) on the 18th of March 1918, thanks to a donated aircraft that arrived earlier that month from Swedish Count Eric von Rosen (who used the blue Swastika as his personal symbol). All Finnish StuGs were Ausf Gs, however there were two types of mantlets. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. To help save money, the tanks were ordered without optics, radios or even armament. like in post World War 2 era. By the end of September, the Finns had retaken all former lost territory as well as some more strategically viable areas of Soviet territory on the Isthmus before settling into a defensive posture.

workers were evacuated to the Urals and merged as giant tank factories. (Photo taken in Panssarimuseo). Formations 5: World War II, Cavalry. THUMBNAIL TO SEE LARGER PIC (152 KB).2 x 7.62 mm DT machinegun, coaxial and hull (1.827 rounds)1943 - 1946, total number manufactured about 23,000 tanks. Finland joined the Agreement of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance (YYA Treaty), ensuring neutrality. While one of the machinegun-turrets has its machinegun-attachment According to Finnish records 19,085 Soviet POW died in Finnish prison camps during the Continuation War, (29.6% of Soviet POWs), due to malnutrition and diseases. Ultimately though, the odds were just too much and they had to cave to the demands of the Soviets which saw them lose over 11% of their pre-war landmass.Finland learned a lot of lessons from the disaster at Honkaniemi. tanks of that time, setting range setting for the main gun was based to estimation made by the gunner. from which the Soviets had learned year 1930. T-34 lacked proper turret basket which would have allowed whole space with-in turret to rotate with it, the seats used by the members of crew Vickers Armstrong had offered to equip them with the same 47mm low-velocity gun that had come with the evaluation tank. units that started their highway march from Äänislinna 29The last of captured T-28 tanks taken to Finnish use during Continuation War was captured in Pyhäjärvi 20PICTURE: Yet another view of T-28E Ps. CLICK THUMBNAIL TO SEE LARGER PIC (160 KB).Finnish soldiers had already earlier given T-34/76 tanks a popular nickname "Sotka" (pochard) and coming from this, they nicknamed every 200 hours of use. This started on the 1st of February 1937 after successful trials of the Landsverk 182 Armoured Car, which was bought in 1936.On the 30th of November 1939, Soviet forces crossed the Finnish border and started what would soon become known as The Winter War (Talvisota).By using their knowledge of the land, independent thinking, marksmanship and other tactical advantages, the Finns managed to not only slow the Soviet advance but eventually stall it and even eliminate several divisions (such as the legendary Battle of Suomussalmi). Apparently they attempted buying one of the prototypes, but the British refused to sell it. Early on radio was in front hull and used by machinegunner, but in The two Vickers-Carden-Loyd models were put into training use and the Vickers-Armstrong 6-ton tank was chosen to replace the obsolete FT’s as the main tank of the Finnish Armored units.Thirty-two 6 Ton tanks were ordered on the 20th of July 1936 with the delivery spaced over the next 3 years. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.

None of the Vickers were ready to go to war.Once the war ended on the morning of the 13th March 1940, the remaining Finnish Vickers were pulled back to the new Soviet-Finnish border where they waited. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website.

These Here, tanks from the Armored Brigade destroyed a hostile tank for the very last time in Finnish military history. New manufacturers that joined the production in 1941 - 1942 included Krasnoye The Soviets equipped these tanks with variety of radios, including 71-TK-3,