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The fire bird moves pretty slow so there's time to analyze the Runes and prepare where to goNOT advisable to run and follow the explosions on clockwise as it's a waste of DPS (especially for casters) but if you have a laggy internet or slow reaction time, then go for itRuthless Refrain AoE markers on 4 players (tanks+healers or all DPS)Boss will cast Ruthless Refrain to knock-back everyoneThose with AoE markers will need to use anti-knockback skills or get knocked-back to their assigned intercardinal positions (NE, NW, SE, SW) to avoid getting hit by meteors or clipping others with their AoEThose without AoE markers can get knocked-back to the meteors of their assigned cardinal positions (N, S, E and W)Tanks can soak meteors even if they also have Ruthless Refrain so DPS/healers assigned at North (A) and South (C) can rest easyThe last 4 sets of Runes only have 4 Runes per set. How to Start The Wreath of Snakes (EX) Trial in FFXIV Patch 4.5. Making it almost useless.But I digress. Allagan Tomestone of Poetics. Saw it constantly yesterday.For the clockwise pattern explosion, it is hard to dodge if you are going to sidestep the exploding quadrant especially for people with higher ping, and if the skipping color happens. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Suzaku Totem. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Like last time for 18k Wolf Marks. Requiem of Heroes brings with it a host of new content. I think level 35 or so, pretty easy.Fixed, sorry about that, i copy paste the 4.2 table i've done, always something left to fix ._.That said I'm so hooked into Dragon Quest 11 right now (its literal crack) but at the same time I want to play as soon as the maintenance is over. Pvp? Suzaku Card * Must first complete the quest "Triple Triad Trial."
Clear video, diagrams and video guide are posted here:Small and big feathers with big AoEs will drop and all DPS will be marked with Rekindle (circular AoE)Everyone kill the SMALL feathers on your assigned positions to create a safe zone before they explode (Each DPS will revive the birds assigned to their intercardinal position with their Rekindle AoEs (NE, NW, SE, SW)Strictly one bird per DPS. I rather you drop 2 gcds than die and get weakness.This was how we did tank swaps before SB. Susano EX and Lakshmi EX are considered challenging but more manageable than extreme trials in prior patches, the first of which is the easier of the two. Patches Content Information (Handy for returning/new players, contains what content was added with each patch).. Patch 4.4 Checklist (General list of things to do in patch 4.4). But they most probably won’t have it up as they would have already used it ok say the other Dps or the whm.The provoking tank preps an aggro combo and provokes fefore the 2nd gce in that combo. The dps check for this fight is pretty manageable anyways, we managed to clear with a healer lb3 and 5+ revives.That's good to hear is there is a lot of stuff to pay attention to that takes your attention away from dpsing, not ti mention positionals.If you have higher ping, move from 1 to 4 after the explosion on 3. Starting with "A Realm Reborn" and the expansions include "Heavensward", "Stormblood", and "Shadowbringers"!Press J to jump to the feed. Warrior if that matters.SublimeIbanez is right. Suzaku; Scarlet Lady; Reward. There's only one of those two runes you can go to if you take CQ Crescendo into account. So the fight is very lenient on dps.Why do you revive the birds in P1 at the Phoenix Down phase?Birds explode for potentially raid-wiping damage and debuffs if not killed in time. Position yourself in a way that you'll move towards that RuneI'd like to hear from a tank how they are handling the swaps later in the fight. Treasure Coffer Suzaku's Longsword Item Lv. Most of it is what we’ve come to expect from patches, however this time around we have a new job in Blue Mage, as well as… I’ve seen many a tank use shirk before the other tank can provoke. Fleeting Summer - conal AoE (). Cremate - magic-based tankbuster (). And yes if the aggro bar looks dangerously close, stop attacking for a short bit.