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The F/A-18 uses a probe to latch into a drogue. The ex-Super Hornet pilot I spoke with thinks the CFTs make sense, noting that versions of Lockheed-Martin’s F-16 fighter have flown with CFTs for many years. Part of this is because the Air Force also has to refuel big bombers and cargo planes that need a lot of fuel quickly – and the boom can do just that.
Did you know the F-16 originally didn't have any radar-guided missiles? This was because while the F/A-18 was replacing an attack plane, it was also intended to help defend the carrier. I spoke with a recently retired Super Hornet pilot with more than a decade of experience flying the jet operationally in the fleet and as a Navy test pilot. The F/A-18 played a role in "Independence Day," but it wasn't quite the star the F-16 was in Iron Eagle. The F-16 has a clear edge in this one. In service with the Navy and Marine Corps since 1983, the flexible design has gone through a Porsche 911-like evolution.
New build Block III Super Hornets will have an airframe service life of 10,000 hours says Tebo. The F-16 Fighting Falcon and the F/A-18 Hornet are both "lightweight" fighters. The F-16 has one engine – the F/A-18 has two. The F-16 is tied to land bases – its landing gear cannot handle the shock of hitting a carrier deck. “This will be much better.”He compares the ACS to the displays in the F-35 which allow pilots to prioritize the information presented, giving them pertinent information when they need it and hiding it when they don’t. Despite the entry of the F-35C into Navy service in February 2019, the Super Hornet will remain backbone of the Navy’s carrier air wings. The system gives the Block III model the ability to passively detect and counter-stealthy aircraft like Russia’s Sukoi Su-57 5th generation fighter and 5Tebo says the IRST gives the Block III Super Hornet the “passive targeting that we need going into the future as the threat has evolved from an RCS perspective.”The IRST is a “stealth equalizer” says the former Super Hornet pilot I interviewed, adding that the high quality IRST which the Block III and other U.S. fighters employ can “pick up gliders as well as F-117s, B-2s, F-22s and F-35s even in the forward quarter at well over 100 miles.” “That’s the holy **** capability the IRST brings,” he concludes.Block III Super Hornets will go through a year-long test program and by early next summer Boeing will begin delivering the new jets at a rate of two per month.Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. The main area that the Hornet lacks in comparison to the Super Hornet is in engine power, range, and loadout. The good news is that it can use just about anyone's tankers – even USAF tankers, which are modified to carry drogues in addition to their booms. Two-seat F/A-18F Super Hornets will have the screen in the front and rear cockpits. Understandably, Tebo wouldn’t say how much more stealthy the Block III model might be, explaining that the Super Hornet already has “really good radar cross section performance” and that the Block III improvement “is really just buying ourselves a little bit more margin for what we think is needed.”Two new elements of the Block III Super Hornet are its powerful new Distributed Targeting Processor-Networked (DTP-N) mission computer and its Tactical Targeting Network Technology (TTNT) data link.Tebo describes the DTP-N as an “adjunct computer that has 17-times the computing power of the existing mission computer.” She says the open architecture processor will provide the computing power that the Navy will need “for all of the future algorithms that are going into this jet”, including “algorithms to give the pilots better decision aids and faster timelines for decision making and engagement.”In other words, the more powerful mission computer will be able to process massive amounts of data and host artificial intelligence software that could provide new capabilities for the Super Hornet. Starting out with a bit of development history for both the Hornet and Falcon, I end up testing the DCS F/A-18 against an AI F-16 in missile-armed dogfights, guns … The F-16 consoles aren't as well organized as the Hornet's; some switches are hard to reach. The number of engines The F-16 …
The F/A-18, though, could carry radar-guided missiles from day one. Modern anti-ship missiles like China’s DF-21D reportedly have a range of nearly 900 miles. Additionally, the aircraft is capable of refueling other Super Hornets, serving as a force multiplier for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF).
The F-16 operates from land bases, while the F/A-18 operates primarily from carriers. A Super Hornet test aircraft configured with Block III software and conformal fuel tanks in flight Last week, the U.S. Navy took delivery of the first two examples of the latest model of its F/A-18, the Block III Super Hornet.