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If you want to have a deeper inside on how to fit a ratting ship just read the other parts of my . I was never a big fan of ratting in my Eve carrier, but since carrier ratting seems to be such a big thing, I decided to buy myself a shiney ratting carrier and give it a try. EVE Forums » EVE Communication Center » EVE New Citizens Q&A » Carrier Ratting Skills and Equipment. There might come a time where you need to destroy your hyperspatials and fit some extra tank rigs to survive.Don't even sit in a carrier if you only have Jump Cal III.If you have a habit of losing fighters, downgrade to T1 instead of T2 until you get the hang of it.Many drone skills also affect fighters (including drone durability). At the NSC it is mainly done in asteroid belts or in combat sites.While you face off against NPCs in the same manner as in missions, it is not considered the same. I thought the fighters will choose the optimal by themselves.I tried to set the “fighter optimal orbit” and it dosent change my ticks. If a neutral player enters system, recall your fighters and activate the fighter’s propulsion module while staying aligned to your citadel. The mechanics are too intensive to maintain for a long time, and it's not scaleable.i did this, and I made the isk back in under a month ratting 2-3 hours a day.70-80mil ticks in a niddy pays for itself and the injectors quickly, that's not even counting the escelations/faction spawn loot.I prefer the idea of having tank just incase it goes badly so would the amarr carrier be useful, I know I won't get the most ticks but will it be close?If you get caught, your tank probably won't save you. Rarely go into armor unless my align takes me towards the rats.I think people have already covered the basics but I wanted to second that tank isn't too important against rats when you can fight >100k away and it won't save you from a hot drop anyway. On the same note, an NPC dread can fuck your shit up if you don't know what you're doing.Carry a PvP refit and a mobile depot (or nestor if you're super rich).

Supercarriers are the second-largest class of ship within EVE, only outclassed by Titans. So usually a simple buffer tank is sufficient, which let you also keep your cap up high enough to always be able to jump. A return of investment of over 20 hours seems like a lot to me. Previous page 1 2 Carrier Ratting Skills and Equipment. So it might be more beneficial to have a scripted optimal range omnidirectional tracking script rather than tracking speed.Also, keep your fighters moving at all times.

I just wanted to point out that the game design of EVE kind of encourages “newbie carrier pilots”. I added skills to get T2 Fighters and JDC V and then sorted by Primary Attribute. Focus on warping quickly and staying aligned.It depends on where you are. With my archon I have no tank modules, I warp to site at 100km and engage from range, killing the closest first. There are the standard guns that don’t use ammunition and should be activated on all targets. You’re going to be looking at four months solid of training drone skills for a carrier; just get used to the idea. Must have skills would be max damage for drones and t2 fighters.Thanks for replies so far, the tank is. Combat Drone Control Improved. Always orbit them around something. If a hostile enters system and disappears from local shortly after, he just might have logged off. Thanks in advance for any help.Id like to point out that if you inject a toon to do this it will take you a very long time to break even on this.A very long time on a very attention-intensive way of making isk. The less time it takes you to go between sites the better, fully rigged with Hyperspatials you may be able to clear an extra site (or two) per hour?Not being a CEO or anything like that I can’t really say too much about your 7.5% Corp Tax, it seems a bit high to me personally but if your crew provide some good services via that tax rate and you’re happy then all is good.Re: An ESS - I like using them. That’s why you abandon all your three squadrons while in warp and then dock as soon as you land. My corporate would probably respond to a call for help. Without this one, locking stuff takes forever in a carrier. I picked a system a little off the staging system and any other main traffic pipes in the region. Savage Moon Society. If you send your fighters after them, they'll stasis grappler your fighters and blap them one by one before they can even shoot back. Everything is quite secondary. CCP in its desire to reduce ratting income have given rats some sort of super powered "kill fighters in one second" mechanic.the costs are about equal. For each 1000 ISK in bounties, 0.15 LPs are added.

If you are in a bigger corp or alliance it is key to organize a proper capital group and intel channel. The bonus payout resets to 20% if the ESS is accessed, destroyed or scooped up. Of course this number gets lower the more interruptions by hostile players you encounter. There were very little corp mates in system during my ratting sessions, so there were always enough Havens in system to run them back to back. Topic is locked indefinitely.