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It’s like getting shot at with laser guns. Escape from Tarkov ammo chart - what do we shoot today?Escape from Tarkov ammo chart - what do we shoot today?If you know about the ballistics and armor, and how the entire system of taking damage works in Escape From Tarkov, ammo chart is most likely what you are looking for. It makes zeroing and sniping easier because you know where the bullet goes after a cold shot. Therefore, when a bullet with 62 Pen. Each unprotected part of the body will receive the damage specified in each ammo’s description. You simply go in for your PMC run, grab anything of a value, and extract. If you know about the ballistics and armor, and how the entire system of taking damage works in Escape From Tarkov, ammo chart is most likely what you are looking for. Although with subsequent wipes, updates and patch notes some bullet types may undergo minor changes, the premise remains the same.

If you are a casual player going in to shoot someone from time to time, you don’t need much for success. If any of these blackouts due to taking a shot, you immediately die. If you have any of those reduced to 0 due to bleeding, you won’t die instantly, but any further damage to them (through direct shots or shooting another blacked out limb) will kill you.

Instead, this value is put into an equation. - bullets that explode on impact. Things above are absolutely crucial to understand which ammo will be the most effective. See you in Tarkov!It all depends on a situation that you face, and weapon types that you are using. - After legs are blacked out, each hit to the legs will transfer the same damage to other body parts.Penetration Value translates almost directly into effectiveness against armor. Fast alle Waffen sind komplett modular, sodass sie an unterschiedliche Situationen angepasst werden können. Combined with a good suppressor - it can be a silent yet deadly combo. MP5, MP5K-N, MPX, PP-19-01 Vityaz-SN, Saiga-9, MP9, MP9-N;Assault rifles: AK-103, AK-104, AKM, AKMN, AKMS, AKMSN, Vepr KM/VPO-136;This is the end of our guide. Blacked out parts will spread the damage to all other body parts when they get damaged again in that state. Value against AC 6 Armor, you will have only 10% of penetrating with the first shot. If you do not know about the mechanics behind this system, we advise you to take the time to learn them. Hiding your presence in Escape From Tarkov is crucial, and this kind of ammo helps you with it.

As we described it before, it will have a high chance of penetrating the armor, when its value is higher than Armor Class x 10 (about 90% chance of successful penetration).

- when blacked out, your hydration and energy will decrease considerably faster. There are only several of them. We hope that our tables, as well as the content that we shared with you, will be helpful in your Escape From Tarkov games.

They are handy for a few situations. You can tactically place tracer rounds in your mags, so you know how much ammo you have left.Also, it’s scary to get shot at with tracer rounds, because you can see every bullet flying past you. Feel free to share our guide with other people, so they can not only choose the best ammo for themselves but also learn how to differentiate the good bullets from bad ones, with the help of understanding how the whole damage system works.

You can find it Helmets have their own ricochet chance, and ammunition types don’t matter in that regard.Each shot in the game can have some additional effects, depending on the kind of ammo. Since it also depends on the durability of the armor if the bullet goes through it, a bullet with 50 Pen.

- quiet ammunition that won’t make as much noize as other types of bullets. Body parts can blackout when they take damage that reduced their own health pool to 0.

AAC 762 SDN-6 sound suppressor designed for use with a 7.62x51 NATO, but also functions as a superb multi-caliber suppressor for multiple hosts, providing excellent performance on 7.62 NATO, .300 AAC, 6.8 SPC, 6.5, and 5.56mm NATO. Nobody wants to get shot at with laser guns, trust us. You don’t want to spend thousands of EfT Roubles on Flea Market to buy wrong ammo. And the likelihood is also a part of a bigger equation that depends on things like the surface material, as well as the angle of the impact.Keep in mind that this stat has zero impact on helmets. Description [edit | edit source].

That’s quite obvious.

The rates at which the damage spreads across the body depend on which blacked out limb receives damage: - No rates.

However, don’t take the Armor Damage too literally.

It’s a value that has to go through some calculations.

But if you want to be at the top of the leaderboard - you will need to calculate a lot. High flesh damage values ammo will do poorly against armor, and an ammunition with strong penetration power will be suboptimal against unarmored opponent.It is why it’s so important. You will not put a shotgun slug into the assault carbine chamber, and light machine gun bullet won’t fit into designated marksman rifle. Value hits Armor at 6 AC with 80/80 durability, it will have about 90% of penetrating through it.On the other hand, when you use a bullet with 50 Pen.

It only exists on mounted, stationary weapons on some maps.