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We have dedicated email and phone lines for each of our products, please use the product directory below to find the relevant page. Here you will find the highest quality 1:8 scale models. Shop at Eaglemoss for great value on the largest selection of licensed collectables and tools for creative pursuits. Make it truly yours by making it yourself!The Die-Cast Club Garage is one of the most luxurious garages in the world. Please take a minute to review our Due to high volume, we can't respond to individual comments. We also partner with Eaglemoss US directly to obtain new Eaglemoss US deals as soon as they go live.

… As revealed at the weekend's Destination Star Trek, here are the next four bonus models in Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection. Here's our collection of some fun ideas and activities you can do by yourself or with loved ones. Because, hey, we love this stuff, too.Eaglemoss collectibles are available in many comic book stores, newsstands, and specialty stores.Shop @Eaglemoss for a great value on the largest selection of licensed collectibles and tools for creative pursuits.