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May 1, 2020. "The Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer Professional edition is a must-have for all professional stylists. Moreover, there was an extra filter that you could replace with the old one.To give you freer movement around clients, the professional edition of Dyson Supersonic hair dryer has an 11 feet long power cable and it is the longest blow dryer cord that I have ever seen.
Dyson Supersonic hair dryer Professional edition. Learn more Please leave us your email address if you'd like us to notify you when it's available. Extreme temperatures can make small pores appear within the strands. With exclusive tools for stylists.
As the only hair dryer with a motor small enough to fit in the handle, it's balanced in the hand, for all-day use in a busy salon. Engineered for professional hair stylists and busy salon environments. Engineered for different hair types.Dry and style your hair at the same time with gentle, low-velocity airflowStyle your hair one section at a time with precise, controlled airflowDisperses air evenly to simulate natural drying, helping to reduce frizz.Stow your Dyson Supersonic™ hair dryer off the floor between usesSorry, this product is currently out of stock. The Interest cost levied on EMI is absorbed by the Brand so the customer does not have to pay anything more for opting for EMIs.We don’t stop caring about your machines once they’re yours. Call the Contact Center to initiate your return and to identify the correct return shipping address and method.2. Results may vary by hair type.

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