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Can you check how the mail app works?

Disney have suggested uninstalled and reinstalling app, but this doesn't seem possible on TV.

But this one typically revolves around streaming Disney Plus via its Xbox One app. Work around is to install on firestick. (INSTRUCTIONS BELOW) 2. The problem is exactly the same as described yesterday by Glenn and also by Espen two weeks ago. LG says its disney and Disney says its LG. In order to get the best possible experience … items to a local folder (on my computer), which stopped the error messages, and am in the process of moving them back a few at a time in hopes of discovering which item(s) are causing the problem. This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. I've had the same problem since trying to fix sync discrepancies between devices for my Sent items, so I've moved the sent People have had replies from Disney that they don't know when they will be able to fix. Sign out of the Disney Plus app and sign in again. I started receiving the same recurring error message over the past few weeks for my hotmail/outlook account.

It's so annoying to he hones as now my daughter is watching on her tablet.

I haven't as there was a long queue on the phone. You unsubscribed from 95% of the folders, my guess is that the corrupted data is among the 5% to which you are still subscribed. To activate it, click on the link For helpful information, product support, and much more. It has worked fine since launch in November 2019. Changing the country code other than US (ex. Can you check how the mail app works?

Updating the Smart Hub app as per the respective country.

Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

The user, then, has to decide whether the ActiveX control is legitimate or a Trojan Horse for nasty code. All Rights Reserved Instead of restricting ActiveX's functions, Microsoft chose another security route. Hopefully it will get sorted soon, as I can't see my patience lasting if I have to swap the firestick out between TVs Same issue here. Was working fine last night and now this morning it's stopped working. Dit Disney + tried to help to no avail. Also if possible configure an or gamil account as IMAP and see if the same occurs. Disney+ support pointed the finger at LG. Complete reset of the Smart Hub didn't solve the problem. I am running Windows 6.1 Build 76901 (Service Pack 1) and Office Professional Plus 2016 Version 1703 Build 7967.2161). Definitely an LG issue.Having the exact same issue. There is no option to delete from the menu as it says that "The basis set of apps on your device cannot be deleted ". Any ideas from LG service?

Disney plus tried but couldn't fix the issue and said to contact Samsung. It sounds like Disney and LG need to get on the same page.If you are still experiencing problems, please try uninstalling and reinstalling the Disney Plus app on your TV.Disney+ started working again on Sunday evening, 5/31. Seems it's a software update from samsung that's not compatible with the Disney app. All seems to be working well until the last few days when I have an error message come up every few minutes as follows In order to get the best possible experience from our website, please follow below instructions.If you're using Internet Explorer 9 or earlier, you will need to You do not have permission to remove this product association.