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0 comments. 100% Upvoted. It is separated by four line squadrons: Blue, Gold, Red, and the recently formed Silver Squadrons. DEVGRU Gold Squadron. Then when you add the strange fact that the U.S. government released no photos of the corpse and supposedly dumped his body in the ocean, the suspicion only grows.Finally, there are the abnormal circumstances surrounding SEAL Team Six—the helicopter crash at Bin Laden’s compound, the fact their role in the mission was (immediately) disclosed, the later helicopter crash and the mysteriously missing black box, the government’s obvious lack of interest in the matter… It is to be expected that theories will abound, controversy will ensue, and the occasional conspiracy theory will surface, however, we leave you to your own deductions.Get Your Anonymous T-Shirt / Sweatshirt / Hoodie / Tanktop, Smartphone or Tablet Cover or Mug In Our Note: To all you who believe in the notion that Obama got Osama…two words, “Prove It !”you are absolutely right “prove it”. Close • Posted by 3 minutes ago. Also lets not forget that some of the families loved ones came out and said that they might die and that their families might be in danger due to the release of information.I thought Osama Bin Laden died shortly after 9/11 of kidney disease. YOU NEED TO STFU FOOL BECAUSE THE ONLY DUMBASS HERE IS YOU.Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Unfortunately he got tired of airsofters and gear collectors asking him a bunch of dumb questions and decided to delete his account.An archive of photos for all Special Operations Forces units internationally.Press J to jump to the feed. Rest easy. there was no bin Laden killing. Kevin Maxwell Jr., were charged with "Team 6" redirects here. Troops will typically be divided into teams of assaulters and snipers. 31 photos. 169 photos.

He also had the best Instagram in which he posted a bunch of new unseen photos. We’ve recently decided to take a closer look into “SEAL Team Six,” the group of Navy SEALS who are reported to have taken out Osama Bin Laden in 2011. 7,839 Likes, 46 Comments - Navy SEALs (@usafrogmen) on Instagram: “DEVGRU Blue Squadron” Didn’t he have Marfan Syndrome? Never forget the short amount of beautiful time we had with him.Not sure but yes dev has had custom stuff made for them in non traditional camo patterns.Justin Sheffield. ” 3,700 Likes, 21 Comments - NSWDG/TF Blue/SEAL Team 6 (@devgrupics) on Instagram: “DEVGRU Silver Squadron operator, Kyle Milliken. … For the news organization in Miami, see one of the United States' two secretive tier-one counter-terrorism and Special Mission UnitsWaller, Douglas (3 February 2003). Marcinko named the unit SEAL Team Six in order to confuse In 1987, SEAL Team Six was dissolved.

Removing all “evidence” is stinking sky high like they just did before on 7-11.

Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. The origins of DEVGRU are in SEAL Team Six, a unit created in the aftermath of Marcinko was the first commanding officer of this new unit. 59 photos. Apparently they had an ink/low toner issue(so they claim). We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Each assault squadron also has a specific nickname. or. All Rights Reserved. (Reference: The original cause of death was thought to be at the hands of her captors, but a subsequent investigation revealed that she was actually killed by a grenade thrown by one of the SEALs.Some notable members of Silver squadron include (all KIA):A somewhat more elusive and secretive sub-branch of DEVGRU is Black squadron.This particular squadron is sort of the spying-wing of SEAL Team 6, and they actually used to originally be the sniper unit for DEVGRU.After 9/11, they were re-tasked with AFO and “Operation Preparation Of Battlespace” (OPB) in mind.What this essentially means is they conduct advanced surveillance of targets in which the larger DEVGRU force may ultimately conduct operations on.Their primary responsibilities are speculated to include:Black squadron is estimated to have over 100 members.According to a NY Times article, Gray squadron is tasked with driving the custom water vehicles used by DEVGRU. (Reference: Unfortunately, Gold squadron was also apparently involved in the largest loss of the life DEVGRU has ever experienced, Extortion 17. As a result of this, the families were given a DVD with the same information, but were told to not disperse the information contained. In February of 2014, a House of Representatives committee heard testimony regarding the helicopter crash, by this time known as “The family was again fed contradictions as the committee stated there was no black box in the CH-47, yet military investigators had initially stated that the black box had been washed away in a flash flood.

At the time there were only two SEAL Teams, SEAL Team ONE and SEAL Team TWO. Devgru Blue Squadron.