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When you get inside the building, interact with the terminal to open the nearby doors, then interact with the terminal inside. When you start seeing Taken you know you’re on the right track, and will soon come to two floating platforms to hop across. Work through a skirmish between Vex and Taken, including a Wizard, and move further in clearing threats until you reach the bridge. It takes you to a huge Taken battle with heaps of different units, eventually culminating in a boss fight with a Taken Knight.
However, by the end of it all, you will have enough XP, loot, and weapons to make it worth your while. When the battle is won, shoot the Taken rift inside the Vex warpgate.Return to speak to Asher again. Continue to place a flare at the objective marker and activate it to trigger a long battle in which you must destroy four caches guarded by Empryean Fallen, while handling an assault by the Cabal Red Legion. You can do it, Guardian; we believe in you.Right now there doesn’t seem to be an Exotic weapon quest associated with the Io World Quest, but the story content of the World Quest suggests it may lead into a future update or expansion, and we’d expect to see a pay off either at the next major content drop or in the build up to it.Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. Follow the objective through to the Festering Halls, where things kick off with Fallen forces, including a Warden Servitor, battling two Ogres and a group of other Hive units. The mission will start from here.
Prepare for battle!There are two Hive Ogres, Acolytes, and a Warden Servitor fighting the Fallen. Right now the answer seems to be the Legendary fusion rifle Manowar … but we expect an Exotic weapon quest to turn up sooner or later.
At the lowest point of the mezzanine corridor watch out for Acolytes and Thralls.
Don’t worry, we have full details on The Nessus World Quest challenges us to help poor old Failsafe out and look into the pretty tragic backstory as a golden age colony ship. Use your Super and Grenades to damage him. The next room is a real mess of horrible Taken units and loads of Goblins shielding them, so remember to focus on the Goblin first and try to take each pair down one by one. There’s a huge skirmish in the next area so don’t over-commit; pick off the nastiest threats before you push on through. When everything’s dead you can move on to the next mission.After activating the mission baton, move into the nearby structure, battling Vex and Taken alike. You’re on the trail of the released Fallen Captain but can’t kill him yet. It’s recommended that you have 200 Power before going through these quests. Use any of the entrances near the connecting bridge to Solarium. The enemies here are just random spawns, so don’t bother with them. Once it’s clear you can move through the rooms to reach a doorway off an upper platform that only opens for this mission. Bring down the stairwell to the windowed corridor where Dregs and a Vandal are waiting.Go to the red-lit connecting junction and go to the control center. Use the low walls at the top of the stairs for cover and use a grenade against the Vandals, Shanks, and even a Servitor that lurks here.Use the exit door to reach the mezzanine.
Inside you’ll find another terminal you’ll need to hack.
Activate the mission prompt to have a chat with Failsafe. You can sneak around the fight to reach a force field, then kill the nearby Servitor to pass through. Note that in addition to the four World Quests in the base game, The European Dead Zone World Quest is your path to one of the most coveted Exotic weapons in Destiny 2 – the MIDA Multi-tool. Keep fighting through the open area to drop – ugh – another Servitor and force field. Keep pushing in the same direction, aiming for the Arboretum (garden sector).