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You are viewing a list of DeAndre Jordan's 1 appearance on Modern Family.

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Guest Star: DeAndre Jordan.

Basketball Season 8, Episode 16 - Aired March 8 2017. Juli 1988 in Houston, Texas) ist ein US-amerikanischer Basketballspieler, der seit 2019 für die Brooklyn Nets als Center in der NBA aufläuft. Hyland DeAndre Jordan Jr. (* 21. Hyland DeAndre Jordan Jr. is an American professional basketball player for the Brooklyn Nets of the National Basketball Association. DeAndre Jordan is supposedly romantically engaged with model Amber Alvarez. DeAndre Jordan, Actor: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows. He is a devout Christian.DeAndre Jordan is undoubtedly one of the best basketballs in the NBA history.

Check out the lineup of new movies and shows streaming on Netflix this month, including Season 5 of " The veteran center is revered for his amazing physical strength and he is quite a figure to look up to among his peers and junior mates. With Dave Franco & DeAndre Jordan (2013). You are viewing a list of DeAndre Jordan's 1 appearance on Modern Family. After choking at last year's charity basketball game, Phil has been training all year to redeem himself.

The long-running ABC comedy has booked Inside the NBA analyst Charles Barkley and Los Angeles Clippers player DeAndre Jordan for … However, when NBA stars Charles Barkley and DeAndre Jordan attend the game and start making bets, Phil tries to not buckle under the pressure. DeAndre Jordan is an actor, known for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016), Modern Family (2009) and Real Life H-O-R-S-E! Finally, Claire does whatever it takes to keep a work mistake secret from Jay, while Jay's concerned that Joe doesn't have a healthy fear of him at all.

Im Gegensatz zu seiner enorm hohen Feldtrefferquote ist Jordan …

After choking at last year's charity basketball game, Phil has been training all year to redeem himself. Modern Family is getting a dose of the NBA.

Meanwhile, Gloria has to step-up at Manny's school when her nemesis, Donna Duncan, tries to shame her for her lack of support at the school.