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A health worker collects a swab from a man for nucleic acid testing at a makeshift testing site in Dalian on July 26A coronavirus cluster emerged at Beijing's massive Xinfadi wholesale market in early June and infected a total of 335 people.Last week, a new outbreak emerged at Dalian Kaiyang Seafood, a seafood processing plant in Dalian, a major port city in China’s north-eastern Liaoning province.The local contagion has since spread to nine cities across the country and infected nearly 60 people.Wu said on Wednesday: ‘The epidemics in Dalian and Beijing are related to the processing and sales of seafood, and the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan is also related to seafood sales. The northeastern port city of Dalian has begun mass testing of its residents amid the country’s latest coronavirus flare-up, in which most cases so far have been linked to a local seafood importer.Zhao Lian, deputy director of the municipal health commission, said at a press conference Monday that samples have been collected from about 1.68 million residents.
Estate agents see a 125% increase in people looking to relocate to villages amid the...Bank of England warns some parts of the economy might NEVER recover from coronavirus with a million jobs set...Wetherspoons is set to cut 130 staff at its head office as Covid jobs bloodbath continues with 135,000...Erectile dysfunction drug aviptadil may also beat Covid-19, experts believe British 'Greta Thunberg', 17, brands coronavirus a 'byproduct of us mistreating the planet' - as activist...Thousands of coronavirus deaths 'will be wiped off the government's official toll' after urgent review into...Work-from-home Twitter mob rounds on Kirstie Allsopp after she said employees should return to the office to...Lufthansa warns it does not expect air travel to return to pre-coronavirus crisis levels for FOUR YEARS as...Pimlico Plumbers tycoon Charlie Mullins says those working from home are 'selfish' and 'don't care about the...Are negative interest rates off the table? A coronavirus cluster emerged at Beijing's massive Xinfadi wholesale market in early June and infected a total of 335 people. Editor: David Paulk. Enclosed public venues - including libraries, gyms, bars, museums, restaurants and spas - have also been ordered to shut.During an inspection tour to the city this week, Vice Premier Sun Chunlan urged local authorities to increase oversight of imported goods, as well as of any people leaving Dalian, state news agency Xinhua reported Tuesday. The first case was reported last Thursday, ending a 111-day streak without any cases in the city.At the request of Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, National Health Commission (NHC) director Ma Xiaowei arrived in the Liaoning province city on Friday to coordinate resources to enable the city to provide nucleic acid testing to its residents this week, according to Fears are mounting over global cold chain transportation as the outbreak in Dalian is the latest to be apparently linked to imported frozen seafood. BEIJING (Reuters) – China reported 22 new coronavirus cases in the mainland for July 22, up from 14 cases a day earlier, the health commission said on Thursday. People Visual) Coronavirus 1...'Any attempt to pressure China will never succeed': Beijing...Mysterious seeds sent from China to thousands of Americans...Caroline Flack killed herself because she faced prosecution, coroner rules after her mother confronted...Nicola Sturgeon admits Scotland's R rate has gone UP to as high as one and warns infection numbers are...France's covid testing teams down tools - for summer holidays: Laboratory staff head off on vacation just as...Britain records eight more coronavirus deaths in the preliminary toll - taking the official number of...Do you have the mind of a genius? The major port city detected a local infection cluster last week after reporting its first patient working at a seafood processing company on July 22.The contagion link has since spread to nine cities across the country and infected at least 57 people.The brunt of infected people are said to be employees working at the Dalian Kaiyang Seafood. [They have] the type of environment that is wet and has low temperatures. This file picture shows the closed Wuhan Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market The file photo taken on June 13 shows a  police officer wearing a face mask is seen outside the shuttered Xinfadi wholesale market in Beijing following a new coronavirus outbreakLast week, a new outbreak emerged at Dalian Kaiyang Seafood, a seafood processing plant in Dalian, a major port city in China’s north-eastern Liaoning province. It would easily cause a risk for spreading.’The expert's claims come as China have been battling a spike of coronavirus cases in multiple regions, including Beijing, Xinjiang and Dalian, since June. Coronavirus Cases Across Asia Are Again On The Rise Parts of Asia that seemed to have COVID-19 under control have witnessed fresh outbreaks.

The northeastern port city of Dalian has begun mass testing of its residents amid the country’s latest coronavirus flare-up, in which most cases so far have been linked to a local seafood importer.